Catching up on #30DaysSongChallenge #BIPOC edition.
Day 3 - song that reminds you of Summer.
My choice is this instrumental #masterpiece :
Summer - #JoeHisaishi
#AsianMastodon #POCMastodon #BIPOC #pianist #Japanese #musician #music #Youtube #MusicVideo
#30dayssongchallenge #bipoc #masterpiece #joehisaishi #asianmastodon #pocmastodon #pianist #japanese #musician #music #youtube #musicvideo
My #Dad in his late 30s π₯°
I took this photo, my one of my old #Kodak #FilmCameras - don't remember which model. I had a few different film cameras in 80s & 90s.
#MyFather #FamilyPhotos #OldPhotos #PhotoOfAPhoto #PeopleILove #Family #AsianMastodon #POCMastodon
#dad #kodak #filmcameras #myfather #familyphotos #oldphotos #photoofaphoto #peopleilove #family #asianmastodon #pocmastodon
My Monday #homecooked #lunch is #BoKho - #Spicy #Vietnamese #beef #stew / #soup - we eat it with #noodles & also w/ #baguettes (for dipping). Longtime #classic & #traditional #ComfortFood . My family is #Teochew with South Vietnamese tribal roots on Mom's side. We cook/eat lots of #CulturalFoods from both family/ancestral influences.
#EthnicEats #AsianMastodon #POCMastodon #Culture #Asian #Food #PhotoCollage #Samsung8 #NoodleSoup #SoupAndStewSeason #MealInABowl
#homecooked #lunch #bokho #spicy #vietnamese #beef #stew #soup #noodles #baguettes #classic #traditional #comfortfood #teochew #culturalfoods #ethniceats #asianmastodon #pocmastodon #culture #asian #food #photocollage #samsung8 #noodlesoup #soupandstewseason #mealinabowl
I don't know if this is helpful, but you can follow hashtags the way you do people, and you can have a pinned column where you follow more than one hashtag. The choices for the hashtag settings are "Any of these," "All of these," and "None of these." So maybe putting #BlackMastodon (or #POCMastodon but it's not used as much, it seems) and #Trans under "All of these" might turn up some good posts/follows that use all the hashtags you selected.
#pocmastodon #Trans #BlackMastodon
Be #relentless with #fighting for #SocialJustice & #EcoJustice β #StandUpSpeakOut against #crapitalism & #colonial forces that fuel #evil in this world. It's 2022 - f**k #WhiteSupremacy & anyone who supports it. #Environmental #racism isn't a myth, it's an #UglyReality & it needs to STOPπ
#solidarity #FightAgainstEvil #AsianMastodon #NativeMastodon #BlackMastodon #POCMastodon #StopEcocide #HumanRights #FightForJustice #FightTheSystem #decolonize #PowerToThePeople #AntiRacism #BIPOC
#relentless #fighting #socialjustice #ecojustice #standupspeakout #crapitalism #colonial #evil #whitesupremacy #environmental #racism #uglyreality #solidarity #fightagainstevil #asianmastodon #nativemastodon #blackmastodon #pocmastodon #stopecocide #humanrights #FightForJustice #fightthesystem #decolonize #powertothepeople #antiracism #bipoc
#Chinese & #Japanese #history #murals in #Chemainus on #VancouverIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada πΈ
#AsianMastodon #AsianCanadian #PublicArt #paintings #art #PlacesToVisit #CityOfMurals #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #Cowichan #Asian #POCMastodon #POC
#pocmastodon #poc #chinese #japanese #history #murals #chemainus #vancouverisland #britishcolumbia #canada #asianmastodon #asiancanadian #publicart #paintings #art #placestovisit #cityofmurals #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #Cowichan #asian