Nachdem das #Poco X3 mit Stock ROM vor vier Wochen nach dem morgendlichen booten aus heiteren Himmel die Meldung "Issue with Samsung SD card" brachte und ich der SD-Karte die Schuld gab, erschien heute morgen trotz neuer Karte die gleiche Meldung.
Also entweder verabschiede ich mich vom Konzept der SD-Karte oder ich versuche Reboots zu vermeiden.
Keine Ahnung, was das #MIUI da anrichtet. Updates gibt's für das Gerät natürlich keine mehr.
Up now, Poco, Legend original from 1978 Another T1 Terre Haute press, ABC.
This one has 'Heart Of The Night' & The ever popular 'Crazy Love'
#poco #nowplaying #vinylcollection #lprecord #nowspinning
MIUI 15: confirmado primeiro dispositivo a receber a atualização
#android #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#android #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
Los que me seguís y me leéis (aunque sea poquito) sabéis que no soy muy fan de Apple. En 2021 me pase a iPhone 12 (me tocó en un sorteo).
Voy a regresar a Android por dos razones: la libertad de instalar lo que me de la gana (y seguir usando mi cuenta de play store) y la inutilidad de tener un Gama Alta con 64Gb ((por qué hiciste eso Apple?).
Me dan unos 350e en las tiendas de segunda mano (esta nuevo, sin un rasguño, y con su caja)y eso me da para un POCO X5 Pro 5G de 8/256GB
¿Alguien tiene este terminal o lo conoce?
Tiene buena pinta, rendimiento, cámara aceptable y ANDROID
Are you related or connected to #RandyMeisner? Find out on WikiTree!
Randall Herman Meisner (1946 - 2023): Meisner-375
1998 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee and Eagles member
#Eagles #Poco #HeartOnFire
#CollaborativeGenealogy #FamilyHistory #ConnectionFinder #RelationFinder
#randymeisner #eagles #poco #heartonfire #collaborativegenealogy #familyhistory #connectionfinder #relationfinder
Crap apps to bloat a phone with notifications of updates to ANY other #xiaomi or #poco phone except your own.
Notifications every day to "exciting" news about #MIUI XX to articles clearly written by an AI. They are not even written on proper English, plus they are copy & paste articles from others.
Called community apps, so xiaomi clean their hands like Trump, when they are guilty as charged.
#marketing tactics that should be fined and forbid by the #EU.
#MIUIDownloader #MIUIUpdater
#miuiupdater #miuidownloader #eu #marketing #miui #poco #xiaomi
Ted Tocks Covers
Crazy Love/Kind Woman
Some connections to #RandyMeisner
Within this post you will get a sense of the tight circle people who reside in the music world exist.
#BuffaloSpringfield, #Poco, #Eagles
The list goes on.
"Put me on a highway
Show me a sign
Take it to the limit
One more time"
#randymeisner #buffalospringfield #poco #eagles
pòco (tronc. po’ 〈pò〉) agg., pron. e avv. [lat. paucus] (pl. m. -chi). – 1. agg. Indica in genere quantità o numero limitato, scarso, e si contrappone direttamente a molto.
Per me #poco è #tanto. Non è niente, non è mancanza. Poco è quello che basta. Se tutti ci accontentassimo di poco, vivremmo tutti meglio. Se ci circondassimo di poche persone, non ci sarebbero diverbi. Se ci facessimo bastare poche cose, ce ne sarebbero di più per tutti.
Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G começa finalmente a receber a MIUI 14
#android #mi #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #noticias #tech #tugatech
#android #mi #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #noticias #tech #tugatech