Is there no “Play Playlist” or “Open Playlist” shortcut command for Apple’s Podcasts app?
That seems like quite a shortcoming, maybe I’ll need to find another podcast player for my work beats.
#Podcast #PodcastApps #ApplePodcasts #Shortcuts #ShortcutsApp
#Podcast #podcastapps #applepodcasts #shortcuts #shortcutsapp
@podverse Big OOPS this morning. Suddenly Podverse sent me a popup asking (something to the effect of) "do you want to download using mobile data, or only use Wifi". I hit the "only Wifi" button and suddenly everything -- subscriptions, downloads, all sign of past activity -- dissappeared from the UI. Still that way after reboot. However Android tells me the app still consumes most of 3G of storage, so I think everything is still actually there. #podverse #podcastapps
Dites les fedigens, que me conseilleriez-vous comme appli cool pour lire des podcast sur Android ?
Un peu la flemme de les tester un par un... #podcastapps