¿Conoces "KDE es para..."?
En este episodio de #KDEexpress @baltollkien y @DavidMarzalC, con la inestimable ayuda de @raivenra, le dan un repaso a todas las secciones de este gran recurso divulgativo por temáticas.
#KDEexpress #podcasting20 #KDE #kdeforall
Para los que tengáis aplicaciones que no soportan aún las ventajas del #podcasting20 os dejamos un par de reproductores web que soportan algunas etiquetas chulas como:
- Subtítulos con desplazamiento automático y buscables:
- Comentarios de Mastodon asociados a este episodio
- Dentro de cada episodio en "PEOPLE" podéis ver quien ha participado en cada episodio del podcast, ya sea en directo o en colaboración técnica como @raivenra
¿Te perdiste la #AkademyES2023 ? Pues en este nuevo episodio de #KDEexpress os hacemos un repaso de las charlas ya colgadas en nuestro Peertube y os contamos nuestras impresiones.
Ademas, inauguramos muchas etiquetas del #podcasting20 como por ejemplo los subtítulos, si usáis aplicaciones que las soporten, como @podverse o desde la web https://www.podfriend.com/podcast/kde-express/
Y los comentarios a este mensaje también aparecerán en esas aplicaciones, pronto haremos un episodio explicando esto un poco + a fondo.
#akademyes2023 #KDEexpress #podcasting20
Ainsley, a young woman who makes music said she made around 600 dollars in 4 years. On ALL the traditional streaming platforms.
But with one song on value4value she got 108 dollars in just 2 weeks.
That's a clip of her I play on the first episode.
#podcast #podcasting #podcasting20
Whats better to run ? A start9 box or an umbrel box?
Mainly I want to experiment with hosting ipds podcasting which works on both and other podcasting related technologies.
Seem like similar things but how.do they compare?
#tech #technology #podcast #podcasting20
#tech #Technology #podcast #podcasting20
#Podcasting20 How do you actually go about setting up Sovereign Feeds, Split Kit and some way to record and stream your podcast live. Is there like a podcasting 2.0 knowledgebase yet? or like tutorials and things. I don't seem to really find a lot.
Trying to get into podcasting 2.0 things a bit and maybe make a new show just to play with it. but i am struggling to even create a new feed in sovereign feeds. the create new podcast button just does nothing at all for me. on Both Firefox and Chrome. #Podcasting20
A lot of moving parts for this first Boostagram Ball Live Show 🙂
I expect to go live on the stream between 12:30-1pm
You can check into the #podcasting20 chatroom.
The rss feed is here: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/6524027
To follow the art and boost artists live please use curiocaster or go to http://live.boostagramball.com
If that throws an error: https://www.thesplitkit.com/live/ed6e4b4c-1ebd-4f20-a0ef-e44e986ccda5
Ep. 129 of The Currency: Voegelin on the Anthropological Principle, the Psyche & the Transcendent.
#podcast #politicalscience #podcasting20
@freeschool Thanks for the feedback. We have our website set to allow MP3 downloads, but over time we've found that it's easier to just direct people to the website to find the audio, video, and show notes all in one place.
I'd love @adam to work on a more effective #podcasting20 solution for sharing audio and video episodes, rather than just saying follow [show title] on your favorite podcast app.
There's a famous quote that might apply to #NoAgenda.
"The first Velvet Underground album only sold 10,000 copies, but everyone who bought it formed a band."
This is fantastic in how it has spread the #value4value funding model and support for decentralization, especially #podcasting20 and the fedi. The bad part is that the inspired are nearly all anti left, don't apply the same scrutiny to alt media as they do to the M5M and treat civics as no more serious than reality TV. #tbpitu #tyfyc #itm
#noagenda #value4value #podcasting20 #tbpitu #tyfyc #itm
Yep, looks like a copy of the episode was made. Once Adam gets around to it, it should be real easy to delete and reupload the feed. Just delete the one that says copy and change the status on the other one to ended.
While you're at it, change the Embed Url for the chat to https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.zeronode.net/?nick=webtroll?#Podcasting20
I think it got changed after the kiwiirc server issue got fixed.
Change your embedUrl for chat to this:
and this:
You'll have to update the chat in your feeds.
space name:
No Agenda
space name:
¿Estás listo para experimentar el podcasting 2.0? En este episodio de Los últimos de feedlipinas estuvimos @jagelado y yo mismo hablando de este nuevo formato y los cambios que va a implicar. Escucha aquí: http://tiempoescaso.com/ultimosfeed #podcasting20
Episode 100 of the @rstats @rweekly Highlights Podcast is out! https://share.fireside.fm/episode/87RSVeFz+MP504vt8
📜 Oldest version of #rstats running today @chainsawriot
🤲 {dplyr} 1.1.0 Joins @davis
🗺️ Retrospective on #30DayMapChallenge @Kenneth_KHW@twitter.com
Grab yourself a new podcast app for an easy way to interact with the show and your hosts! https://newpodcastapps.com
h/t @mike_thomas @tonyelhabr 🙏
#rstats #30DayMapChallenge #datascience #podcasting20
Boostagrams/Boosts have scared me away from some podcasts I have been listening to. YMMV
#podcasting20 #fosdem #fosdem2023
What is the value for value website again? Not podcastindex.org #ITM #podcasting20