‘You should gaze at your bins in horror’: the massive crime scandal behind the UK’s rubbish
#PodcastsMEWS #WasteMEWS #EnvironmentMEWS #PollutionMEWS #Television&RadioMEWS #CultureMEWS
The mafia is infiltrating our waste, and millions of tonnes of it is being illegally dumped. A shocking podcast uncovers the horrific environmental scandal – and its links to gun a...
#podcastsmews #wastemews #environmentmews #pollutionmews #television #culturemews
The week in audio: Joanna & the Maestro; Conversations from a Long Marriage; Real Money; Ken Bruce
#RadioMEWS #PodcastsMEWS #JoannaLumleyMEWS #BauerMEWS #ClassicalMusicMEWS #TalkRadioMEWS #BbcMEWS #CryptocurrenciesMEWS #CultureMEWS #MediaMEWS
Joanna Lumley deligh...
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