#IndieAuthorNews #Podcastvideo
Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Maryann Reid. Women’s Fiction Writer Leaves Traditional Publisher, Finds Her Lost Voice
My ALLi author guest this episode is Maryann Reid, who writes women's fiction aimed at an African American audience, and she found success with that formula at St. Martin's Press for a decade. Then the economic downturn happened in 2008, and she ha...
#indieauthornews #podcastvideo
#IndieAuthorNews #Podcastvideo #AdvancedSelfPublishingPodcast #JoannaPenn
Opportunities for Indie Authors in 2023: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn
In this month’s Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast ALLi Director Orna Ross and Enterprise Adviser Joanna Penn discuss opportunities for indie authors in 2023. The rise of AI tools, the growth of the creator economy, and the emergence of previously un...
#indieauthornews #podcastvideo #advancedselfpublishingpodcast #joannapenn
#IndieAuthorNews #Podcastvideo #PennySansevieri #SelfPublishingConferenceHighlight
Seven Ways to Build Direct Connection with Readers, With Penny Sansevieri — Self-Publishing Conference Highlight
In this Self-Publishing Conference Highlight, Penny Sansevieri discusses the seven ways to build direct connections with readers.
The post Seven Ways to Build Direct Connection with Readers, With Penny Sansevieri — Self-Publishing Conference Hi...
#indieauthornews #podcastvideo #pennysansevieri #selfpublishingconferencehighlight
#IndieAuthorNews #Podcastvideo #AI
Experiments with Midjourney and ChatGPT: Does AI Enhance or Replace Creativity? Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Howard Lovy
Today on the Self-Publishing News podcast: Experiments with Midjourney and ChatGPT. ALLi News Editor Dan Holloway and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy discuss the latest developments in artificial intelligence. Apple turns to AI for audiobook na...
#indieauthornews #podcastvideo #ai
#IndieAuthorNews #Podcastvideo #SachaBlack
Cover Plagiarism, Registering Copyrights for ARCs, Character Backstories, and More Questions Answered by Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black in our Member Q&A Podcast
Cover plagiarism is one of the topics covered in this month's AskALLi Member Q&A with Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black. Other questions include: In the United States, should I register my copyright to send ARCs to readers? Does ALLi…
#indieauthornews #podcastvideo #sachablack
Al Teatro Trianon Viviani si presenta ‘Napoli: città delle donne’, una serie di podcast video, con la voce di Marisa Laurito, che raccontano 8 protagoniste della storia della città
#Cultura #UltimeNotizie #marisalaurito #podcastvideo #protagonistestoriadinapoli #teatrotria
#cultura #Ultimenotizie #MarisaLaurito #podcastvideo #protagonistestoriadinapoli #teatrotria