National Treasure Edge of History Ep 7: Solid.
Star Wars Bad Batch Ep 4: Pod Race okay.
Night Court (2023) Ep 1-2: Fine. Might watch more.
Velma Ep 3: Has me laughing so much. Took a break to make food because I need to eat while loving this. Plus another episode!!!!!!
#velma #velmahbomax #nationaltreasure #nationaltreasureedgeofhistory #starwars #starwarsbadbatch #badbatch #podracers #podracing #nightcourt #hbomax #peacock #disneyplus
#disneyplus #peacock #hbomax #nightcourt #podracing #podracers #badbatch #starwarsbadbatch #StarWars #nationaltreasureedgeofhistory #nationaltreasure #velmahbomax #velma