May i direct your attention to our latest podcast: Kerrang 248 (July 22, 1989) - Get off Bad Company’s dick, Andrea!
There’s money off Wolfsbane down at Little Kathy Wilson’s place! Lisa Dominique looms large over this issue, but doesn’t get the cover, and a 9 year old is shredding on the guitar - and for some reason David Lee Roth finds it a threat!
Direct link:
#Kerrang #testament #Wolfsbane #lisadominique #badcompany #80srock
#80srock #badcompany #lisadominique #wolfsbane #testament #kerrang #metalpodcast #podcast #podwithmadness
In our next pod, coming this Wednesday, we tackle an extremely WTF story from '88
#podwithmadness #podcast #Kerrang #HeavyMetal #blacksabbath #tomjones
#TomJones #blacksabbath #heavymetal #kerrang #podcast #podwithmadness