It’s weird that conservatives are so obsessed with public inquiries given that I can’t think of a single one that ever worked out in their favour.
Certainly not the #POEC.
Facts and evidence are anathema to right wing politics, always have been.
It’s beyond funny to me that the CCLA and the JCCF (neither of which, despite media portrayals to the contrary, is an actual civil liberties group) are still pretending like the convoy insurrectionists didn’t document, in writing, their intent to overthrow the government, arrest the Liberals, and put in place a replace of their own constitution.
They wrote a whole manifesto and published it wide. And that’s why they’ll lose every single court case. #cdnpoli #Canada #POEC
Ottawa needs a dedicated security force | TVO Today #ottpoli #RCMP #POEC #EmergenciesAct #Ottawa #GatineauPolice #OPP #Police #Ottawa #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#ottpoli #rcmp #poec #EmergenciesAct #ottawa #gatineaupolice #opp #police #cdnpoli
#Cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre was asked why he is still Leader, Brand , SpokesPerson, Public Relations, Marketing, Recruitment, Santos Lying & Trump Denying for the Con Border Blocking, Murder Plotting , Siege Convoy he is still riding, defending and promoting to the detriment of all Canadians.
He answered:
Values, these are my people. I am them and they are me. We hang out together
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #ottawa #conbegone #cdnpoli
#Cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Convoy Ver 3.
Self elected President Pierre Poilievre , Convoy Commander said as soon as his win is acknowledged he will:
1. Pardon all Convoy Participants & Anti-Vaxxers
2 Make Public Health Orders as well as any face covering, including masks Illegal.
3. Grant the Power to Pardon to Queen Danielle
4 Have Statutes of Pat King & Tamara Lich erected across Canada
#cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
For all you good sanctimonious, holier than thou, better than you, eat my diesel, bow to me, Con Christians ,love yer neighbour people:
Having been found guilty as sin Pierre Poilievre the Leader of ConBoy Sinners loudly proclaims you can't touch him and he weill surely cheat and sin again . Amen
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Convoy Cons are doubling down as Pierre Poilievre is clear: still hoping to siege your town, shut 'er down.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
In assigning value to Con Comments remember you are hearing from those Con liars & truth deniers found Guilty as Sin that would Convoy, Siege, Border Block, Murder Plot, Weapons stock, Distribute and use again except for interruption.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre continues to argue for the Invasion Convoy, Border blocking, Murder Plots, Team Covid, Anti-vaxxer, #ConANon , #Incel #Mgtow Conspiracy Plotter ,impaling Ottawa on a Con Cross
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #conanon #incel #mgtow
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Judge rules #TreasonTrain of the rails.
Pierre Poilievre says not so, you are.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #treasontrain
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre said when I am Prime Monster I will use the notwithstanding clause & white the wrong to the Con Pox Proud Boys ,and restore the right force to power & you will obey me.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #abpoli
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Breaking News:
The Con Anti-Vaxxer Brain Trust of Pierre Poilievre and Her Highness Quackus Danielle Smith are declaring the Good Judge's decision null and bleached and Pardoning all involved,
issuing a Coutts Bravery Medal, a Pat and Tamara Justice Coin , & bad mouthing the Good Judge's Judicious Decision with the usual Con Honking derision.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #abpoli
“ #Rouleau points to the overwhelming evidence that right-wing #extremist groups were present in the movement, to mounting calls to replace the government, to plans to hold a “#Nuremberg Trials 2.0” coupled with plans to conduct “civilian arrests of those perceived to be involved with public health rules,” and to the fact that “the rhetoric of the protests also increasingly began to contemplate violence as part of a desire to achieve policy change over #PublicHealth measures.” #poec
#rouleau #extremist #nuremberg #publichealth #poec
No surprise. Invoking the Emergencies Act was warranted, but preceded by failures of policing and municipal & provincial governments that could have made it unnecessary.
#Canada #canpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #PublicOrderEmergencyCommission
#canada #canpoli #emergenciesact #poec #publicorderemergencycommission
From @justinling re the #poec report released today.
All those wilfully ignorant freedom convoy participants can suck it...hard. also, Doug Ford is a wankpuffin.
#ontario #poec #freedomconvoy #DougFord #Trudeau #Ottawa
#ontario #poec #freedomconvoy #dougford #trudeau #ottawa
Ottawa city councillors didn’t know what they were doing during the convoy crisis | TVO Today #ottpoli #OttawaCityCouncil #FreeDUMBConvoy #Ottawa #POEC #OttawaAuditorGeneral #OttawaPolice #onpoli @onpoli @cdnpoli
#ottpoli #OttawaCityCouncil #freedumbconvoy #ottawa #poec #ottawaauditorgeneral #ottawapolice #onpoli
Using IMAGINE by John Lennon to praise the so-called Freedom Convoy.
#POEC #POECommission #PierrePoilievreMustGo #cdnpoli
#poec #poecommission #pierrepoilievremustgo #cdnpoli
1/ When Jeremy MacKenzie testified in front of the Emergencies Act commission, he made a critical mistake in using his time to attack CAHN. It opened a door for us to respond by adding a sworn affidavit about him & Diagolon to the official record. #POEC
3/ MacKenzie is currently out on bail, having been released in late November. He faces numerous charges in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. #POEC