Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
384 followers · 2468 posts · Server

There was something in your words
A speech hanging in the air
Full of gravitas to the untrained observer
But cloying and unreal to these ears
Long since tired of the gas fuel fire
You have no interest in dousing
So, let it burn long into the night,
Let the flames lick at festering wounds
Until there’s nothing left but ashes
Tipped unceremoniously into an urn
And left, nay, discarded on a shelf
Remembered only in dusty books
But resurrected time and time again
By those who have breathed in the dust
And absorbed your words
Who then breathe the same fire
To burn the world to the ground once more.


#mastoprompt #speech #smallpoems #poetry #poemsbynona

Last updated 1 year ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
376 followers · 2329 posts · Server

You and Me
©️ Nona Rose 2023

If I arranged something for just the two of us
Would you mull it over for a while?
Would you be receptive?
Would you say yes to me?
When I would give the world for you,
Take all the blows,
Create the magic that you crave
And be your rock always
If it meant you saw me just this once.

Would it be too much to ask
That you arrange a little time for me?
That you might spend a minute in my company?
That you make me a priority in your life?
When I would arrange for the sun to shine,
The flowers to bloom year round,
The birds to sing for you
And the stars to align
If it meant a moment with you now.


#mastoprompt #arrange #smallpoems #poetry #poemsbynona #love #desire #writing #tenminutedraft

Last updated 1 year ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
363 followers · 2271 posts · Server

Eleven (continued)
©️ Nona Rose 2020

I've welcomed eleven grandchildren
But none of them were yours
Because you never stood a chance
Fighting for what cause?

I've heard eleven different reasons
To justify the sacrifice you made
But none can mend a broken heart.
It is a debt never to be repaid.

I planted eleven trees at home
To grow as you never could.
They will live on in your name:
A legacy carved in wood.

I placed eleven poppies by your head,
One for every year since you left.
They hold all your hopes and dreams
Now shattered and I am bereft.

I grieved for you at eleven
And at twelve and at one.
I will grieve for you each hour
Of each day until I am done.

#anzacday #poetry #poemsbynona

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
363 followers · 2270 posts · Server

©️ Nona Rose 2020

I had eleven days to say goodbye
When you told me you'd enrolled.
You were but a fresh faced lad,
Just eighteen, truth be told.

I cried nought but eleven tears
As you left for foreign lands.
There would be no postcards, though,
Just notes scribbled by muddy hands.

I opened eleven letters that year
And each contained less of you.
I would have given anything
For another before the year was through.

I stood for eleven seconds that day,
A young soldier on my stoop,
Before I could reach out my hand,
My mind in a never ending loop.

I read that telegram eleven times
But even then it didn't sink in
That you were not coming home to me,
Your life hadn't a chance to begin.

I mourned for eleven solemn days
Before you were returned to me.
A simple service rationed out,
I was glad you weren't there to see.

(Continued next toot)

#anzacday #poetry #poemsbynona

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
363 followers · 2269 posts · Server

ANCAC Day 2022
©️ Nona Rose 2022

Another morning
Another break of dawn
Creeping up
On weary bones still standing
Another city
Another call of bagpipes
Feeding tears
To hearts broken long ago
Another year
Another loss remembered
Held sorrowfully
Just as all the rest
Another service
Another lest we forget
Respectfully said
By those who know too well
Another day
Another minute stood in silence
Head bowed
Until we meet again one day

#anzacday #poetry #poemsbynona

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
363 followers · 2268 posts · Server

In Remembrance
©️ Nona Rose 2021

I lost you before I knew you And now all I have are days
Where wreaths are place solemnly
Under figures cast in bronze.
Poppies lost from pins on chests
Line streets so overwhelmed
With grief and sorrow and heartfelt thanks
That can never be repaid.
Your memories are lost to me
As I stand amongst the crowd,
These people didn't know you either
And we are gathered here alone.
Lost behind a veil of tears
With nowhere left to go
Save tumbling from cheeks well used
To days such as these.

#anzacday #poetry #poemsbynona

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
363 followers · 2197 posts · Server

Nona Rose Poetry


When the air feels heavy
And I see your face behind my eyelids
And I can feel my heart fracturing,
Scattered on the wind,
To a thousand corners on distant shores
Without leaving my body.

When the light feels too dim
And I hear your voice in my ear,
Rattling around in my brain -
It’s a song burrowing like a worm
And taking up space
I didn’t know was there.

When the ground feels unsteady
And there’s no one there to catch me
When I stumble, when I fall,
And I have to pick myself up,
Dust myself off,
While trying not to think of you.

When the sea swallows me
And there’s no land in sight,
My tears make no difference
And the sea does not care,
Nor the ground, nor the light,
Nor the air all around.

#poetry #poem #poemsbynona #when #emotion #elements #love #loss #feelings

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
358 followers · 2156 posts · Server

You twitch
I turn
You fidget
I fold

I want to quiet your nerves
Set alight by constant anxiety
Over everything and nothing
And all that lies between
Unable to quell the beast inside
Driven by forces yet unknown
Misunderstood, misdiagnosed
A mirror of dysfunction
Of the executive order
Ruling tyrannically over you
And bombarding me
Until I weep
Unable to help sooth your soul
That gnaws incessantly
Overtaken by distraction
And losing track
Of time
Of reality
Of who you are
And who I am
When we are one and the same
Because when you twitch, I turn
And when you fidget —

I fold.

Anyone relate?

#fidget #smallpoems #poetry #mastoprompt #poemsbynona

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
341 followers · 2028 posts · Server

Please remember that artists and creatives need your feedback in order to grow and improve their craft. If you like the following poem, please favourite, boost and comment - it would mean the world to me.

Would words so sweet
Drip like honey from a knife
From your lips of red
When your lies are running rife

Would they sting like a bee
Shimmering gold
In the black of the night
And leave me feeling cold

Would your falsehoods swarm
And overwhelm my mind
When I should blossom, yet
Spread cruel instead of kind

#mastoprompt #honey #smallpoems #poetry #poemsbynona #writing #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
340 followers · 2024 posts · Server

I don’t remember what it’s like to be held.
Do you think it’s possible to forget completely?

Maybe someone could lend me a hand to hold
Because it’s just not the same when it’s my own.

I may never wake up from this eternal nightmare.
In the dark, all alone, and no one to call.

©️ Nona Rose 2023

#untitledpoetry #poetry #darkpoetry #shortpoetry #alone #physicaltouch #poemsbynona #artimitatinglife

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
310 followers · 1362 posts · Server

Another entry I whipped up this afternoon

Prompt: Sally Mann “Black Eye”
(USA) photographic negative 1991, printed 1992
Gelatin silver print

Note: trigger warning for ideas surrounding childhood trauma and death (poem in following toot under content warning.

All feedback welcome. If you have any images you’d like me to write a poem for, let me know.

#ekphrasticpoetry #poetryisart #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrybynona #poetrymastodon #poet #poetsofmastodon #poem #poemsofmastodon #poemsbynona #writing #writingisart #writingcommunity #writer #writersofmastodon #childhood #childhoodtrauma #child #death #ekphastic #image #sallymann #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
294 followers · 1261 posts · Server

Some people love their time in the military, others do not. I’ve known people in both camps. I know people who still serve. This won’t reflect everyone’s perspective, it’s just one perspective.


Let me know what you think, especially if you’re current or former military.

#poem #poemsbynona #poetry #poetrybynona #poemsofmastodon #poetrymastodon #poetrycommunity #writing #writingcommunity #poetryisart #writingisart #military

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
280 followers · 1205 posts · Server

I wrote this just as before the summer of 2020/2021 in Australia. The summer before had been horrific and this was for all the firefighters (paid and volunteers) and those who lived through the bushfires defending homes, buildings, livestock and loved ones. This summer has been much milder but the fear of another like 2019/2020 hangs over everyone, especially those who live close to fire prone areas.

If you have a moment, please read the full poem.


#poem #poemsbynona #poemsofmastodon #poetry #poetrybynona #poetrymastodon #poetrycommunity #poetryforpurpose #poetryisart #writing #writingcommunity #writingisart #writersofmastodon #fires #bushfires #australia #summer #summerfires #summerinaustralia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
279 followers · 1187 posts · Server
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
258 followers · 1039 posts · Server
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
254 followers · 1008 posts · Server

Day 23 of is a recent shot, literally taken a couple of days ago. I love my city, I just wish it wasn’t filled with people when I want to take photos 😂

The poem is “Requiem for a Society” and while I haven’t put a on this post as a whole, I will suggest a CW for the poem as it deals with mental health (I’ve struggled with whether to say exactly what the issue is because I don’t want to ruin the end but I don’t want to upset anyone either). Maybe send me a private toot if you’re unsure about whether you want to read it.

As always, let me know what you think, or what you’d like to see/read in the future.

#artadventcalendar #contentwarning #photo #photography #cityscape #sydney #buildings #manmade #centrepoint #poem #poemsbynona #poemsofmastodon #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrybynona #poetrymastodon #writing #writer #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
244 followers · 955 posts · Server
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
231 followers · 926 posts · Server
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
227 followers · 872 posts · Server
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
222 followers · 840 posts · Server