1TootMemoir · @1TootMemoir
31 followers · 105 posts · Server mstdn.social
Doctor Wanderer · @doctorwanderer
49 followers · 101 posts · Server mindly.social


The last sips of water
I poured into the cracks
of the thirsty field,
for rain and greener grass
the hope could yield,
could save the vast valley
sooner than my soul could heal.

#poetry #writingwonders #writersofmastodon #writerslife #poems #poemsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Gacela · @Gacela1980
257 followers · 922 posts · Server paquita.masto.host

Os dejo por aquí este -maravilla de Sara R. Gallardo para un domingo en el que las locas seguimos recibiendo violencias de gente que dice preocuparse por nuestra salud (si necesitáis o si os es más cómodo podéis leer el texto completo en poderpopular.info/2020/12/26/s ).


#poema #saludmental #locura #sororidadloca #feminismos #poesia #poemsofmastodon #domingosliricos #literaverso #psiquiatrizacion #violenciaspsiquiatricas #violenciainstitucional

Last updated 1 year ago

Bahar · @ilkbaharr
124 followers · 464 posts · Server mastodon.com.tr

Biz de bir kere sevinebilseydik.
Çiçek açmış ağaçlar gibi çıldırasıya.
Kimbilir belki bir gün sulh olunca
Biz de deliler gibi seviniriz,
Ağaçları ve baharı taklit ederiz
Renkli bez parçalarıyla donatırız şehri
Renkli ampuller asarız pencerelerden
Kimbilir belki bir gün sulh olunca
Biz de çatır çatır çatlarız binbir yerimizden
Ağaçlar gibi.

✒️ Bedri Rahmi EYÜBOĞLU

21 Mart Dünya Şiir Günü'müz de kutlu olsun 💐
Şiir ile kalın sevgi ile ❤️

#poem #poems #poemsofmastodon #poemfortoday #life

Last updated 1 year ago


Kangaroos group greedily growing
Grain, no grass, all gone
Bound civilly by blood
Tails rocking racing over
The grass denuded ground

6 lines of text, poem, prose
Produced prolifically pensively
Personally pacifying

#hashtaggames #poemsofmastodon #haiku #wordoftheday #letteroftheday

Last updated 1 year ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
194 followers · 3313 posts · Server mstdn.social

Here's something I wrote a few months back.

****** ****** ******


October has come round again.
The cat, curled like a fuzzy
question mark,
almost seems to float
against the white of the duvet.

Outside, leaves cling to their trees
or to the dark,
knowing they are safe for now:
it is the light that catches them and
colours their slow feather fall

and as I type, the question mark
twitches and unshuts one eye.

#poemsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Festering Ferret · @FesteringFerret
24 followers · 379 posts · Server aus.social

I've read "The Hollow Men" by T.S. Elliot through twice now. The first time I was too busy saying "wow" at the way the imagery conjured up the end of the universe, "not with a bank, but a whimper."

The second reading, I noticed a subheading "Penny for the Old Guy" and the scarecrow imagery, reminding me (as was probably intentional) of Guy Fawkes' Night celebrations. And then it slid back into the End of The Universe.

Maybe, third reading through, I'll see what Elliot intended. But maybe it'll still be the universe...

#poetry #tselliot #poemsofmastodon #hollowmen

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
181 followers · 2966 posts · Server mstdn.social

Sorry about reposting; I posted it yesterday at 23.00 and it sank without trace. Could be the post, could be the time. I will not make a habit of this! (See comment.)
So if you like it, please boost; if not, well, at least it's short:

Dancing barefoot

I give up.
I give up on words.

Shut me up.

Take me to the dance
and I will bow.

I will surrender.

Take me down
and take me longing.

Shut me up.

****** ****** ******

youtu.be/1Z9G8BdnFGs )

#pattismith #poemsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
181 followers · 2966 posts · Server mstdn.social

Another very old poem, at the closing of the day. If you like it, please boost; if not, well, at least it was short:

Dancing barefoot

I give up.
I give up on words.

Shut me up.

Take me to the dance
and I will bow.

I will surrender.

Take me down
and take me longing.

Shut me up.

****** ****** ******

(Yes, that song: youtu.be/1Z9G8BdnFGs )

#pattismith #poemsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
310 followers · 1362 posts · Server mastodon.au

Another entry I whipped up this afternoon

Prompt: Sally Mann “Black Eye”
(USA) photographic negative 1991, printed 1992
Gelatin silver print

Note: trigger warning for ideas surrounding childhood trauma and death (poem in following toot under content warning.

All feedback welcome. If you have any images you’d like me to write a poem for, let me know.

#ekphrasticpoetry #poetryisart #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrybynona #poetrymastodon #poet #poetsofmastodon #poem #poemsofmastodon #poemsbynona #writing #writingisart #writingcommunity #writer #writersofmastodon #childhood #childhoodtrauma #child #death #ekphastic #image #sallymann #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
304 followers · 1338 posts · Server mastodon.au

This is my first poem for 2023. If you have any feedback (good or bad) I’d love to hear it.

Prompt: Christopher Burket “Forest Light, Colorado”
(USA) 2006

Ye, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death …
There is no valley here,
Nor shadow,
Nor death
That holds a light to that which I see before me –
Tall trees;
Golden light;
Cool, aching breeze against my cheek
That reminds me
Of all the promises
Dropped like leaves
From broken branches
Onto the decaying souls
Of yesterday’s summer
While fresh life springs forth,
Against odds
And autumn’s steady march
Into that cold winter gloom,
High above the world –
Verdant and new
Atop the slender legs of arboreal giants
Who wait for no man
Nor beast,
Nor dark deity painted white,
As they reach
To worship a sun
That regards theirs existence
As the elephant regards the ant.

#writingisart #writing #writingcommunity #writer #writersofmastodon #poetryisart #poetry #poetrymastodon #poems #poemsofmastodon #ekphrasticpoetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
304 followers · 1337 posts · Server mastodon.au

I’m excited that the group I’m in has started up again this week. I’ve been very lazy over the Christmas / New Year period about writing anything new so it’s good to have some external accountability and validation.

Shout out to any looking for poetry, I have many ready to go for multiple books (both published on my blog and unpublished) so please reach out if you’re interested.

#ekphrasticpoetry #publishers #writingisart #writing #writingcommunity #writer #writersofmastodon #poetryisart #poetry #poetrymastodon #poems #poemsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
294 followers · 1261 posts · Server mastodon.au

Some people love their time in the military, others do not. I’ve known people in both camps. I know people who still serve. This won’t reflect everyone’s perspective, it’s just one perspective.


Let me know what you think, especially if you’re current or former military.

#poem #poemsbynona #poetry #poetrybynona #poemsofmastodon #poetrymastodon #poetrycommunity #writing #writingcommunity #poetryisart #writingisart #military

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
280 followers · 1205 posts · Server mastodon.au

I wrote this just as before the summer of 2020/2021 in Australia. The summer before had been horrific and this was for all the firefighters (paid and volunteers) and those who lived through the bushfires defending homes, buildings, livestock and loved ones. This summer has been much milder but the fear of another like 2019/2020 hangs over everyone, especially those who live close to fire prone areas.

If you have a moment, please read the full poem.


#poem #poemsbynona #poemsofmastodon #poetry #poetrybynona #poetrymastodon #poetrycommunity #poetryforpurpose #poetryisart #writing #writingcommunity #writingisart #writersofmastodon #fires #bushfires #australia #summer #summerfires #summerinaustralia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
279 followers · 1187 posts · Server mastodon.au
Ardra Manasi · @ardram
30 followers · 36 posts · Server home.social

"Think of things that linger: leaves,
cartons and napkins, the damp smell of mold.
Think of things that disappear.
Think of what you love best,
what brings tears into your eyes."

-- from "Adios" by Naomi Shihab Nye

via Quotomania ~ @holdengraber

#poemsofmastodon #mastopoetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Ardra Manasi · @ardram
30 followers · 35 posts · Server home.social

"I watch
my mother’s fingers
in the giddiness
of creativity
in a game
of memory
Seventy some years
falling away
the pain of
held at bay
for now
she is a young girl
her life
into meaning."

~ from "Kolam: the Art of Remembering" by Pushpa Naidu Parekh


#verseoftheday #poetrycommunity #poemsofmastodon #myphoto #kolam

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank · @frankmseattle
52 followers · 184 posts · Server mindly.social

Without you
I am not me

Without you
I cannot be free

#poetry #poem #poems #poemsofmastodon #poetsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago