just listen to the fisherman’s song
Thanking Master Zhang with a Poem
Wang Wei
tr. Susan Wan Dolling
#Poetry #WangWei #SusanWanDolling #ChinesePoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #chinesepoetry #susanwandolling #wangwei #poetry
So many dialects of green.
The Open Window
Tomas Tranströmer
Tr. Patty Crane
#Poetry #TomasTranströmer #PattyCrane #SwedishPoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #swedishpoetry #pattycrane #tomastranstromer #poetry
asleep at last inside a blue lamp
Breathing Space, July
Tomas Tranströmer
Tr. Patty Crane
#Poetry #TomasTranströmer #PattyCrane #SwedishPoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #swedishpoetry #pattycrane #tomastranstromer #poetry
like a kite bigger than the suburbs
Open and Closed Spaces
Tomas Tranströmer
Tr. Patty Crane
#Poetry #TomasTranströmer #PattyCrane #SwedishPoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #swedishpoetry #pattycrane #tomastranstromer #poetry
there was a mumbling of words in a new language
Midday Thaw
Tomas Tranströmer
tr. Patty Crane
#Poetry #TomasTranströmer #PattyCrane #SwedishPoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #swedishpoetry #pattycrane #tomastranstromer #poetry
Currently reading. #ReinaMariaRodriguez #Cuba #PoetryInTranslation #NationalPoetryMonth #AmReadingPoetry #UglyDucklingPresse
#reinamariarodriguez #cuba #poetryintranslation #nationalpoetrymonth #amreadingpoetry #uglyducklingpresse
@gastarbajterica I love how this is echoed in Zagajewski’s “Try to Praise the Mutilated World” with “wild strawberries” and the music that “flared” at a remembered concert.
#Poetry #TSEliot #ClareCavanagh #AdamZagajewski #FourQuartets #TryToPraiseTheMutilatedWorld #PoetryInTranslation
#poetryintranslation #trytopraisethemutilatedworld #fourquartets #adamzagajewski #clarecavanagh #TSEliot #poetry
You think it’s me
Dan Pagis, tr. Lisa Katz
#Poetry #HebrewPoetry #PoetryInTranslation #LisaKatz
#lisakatz #poetryintranslation #hebrewpoetry #poetry
A silent rainbow hangs over the gate of the watch tower. / The rampart glares down at the fishing boats below. / A small child on the pier / Claps his hand & laughs. (Xue Tao, “From the River Terraceq”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #XueTao #WongMay
#wongmay #xuetao #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
So days away from home / Have grown to years. (He Zhizhang, “Homecoming”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #HeZhizhang #WongMay
#wongmay #hezhizhang #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
Wow this book! This book!
In the Same Light: 200 Tang Poems for Our Century
Translations by Wong May
Carcanet, 2022
#carcanet #poetryintranslation #wongmay #tang
Having borrowed a wheelbarrow to move my belongings / I see they aren’t enough to fill one. (Meng Jiao, “Borrowing a Wheelbarrow”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #MengJiao #WongMay
#wongmay #mengjiao #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
I would advise you / Not to speak / Too distinctly / Upon acquiring human speech, // Speaking clearly will / Leave one no room to turn. (Luo Yin, “To the Parrot”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #LuoYin #WongMay
#wongmay #luoyin #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
Where are all the wasted days?
Iman Mersal, translated from the Arabic by Robyn Creswell
#Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ArabicPoetry #ImanMersal #RobynCreswell #CV #NewYorkReviewOfBooks
#NewYorkReviewOfBooks #cv #robyncreswell #imanmersal #arabicpoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
a child of air, mint and cello
Adam Zagajewski
tr. Clare Cavanagh
#Poetry #PolishPoetry #AdamZagajewski #PoetryInTranslation #ClareCavanagh
#clarecavanagh #poetryintranslation #adamzagajewski #polishpoetry #poetry
The Little Box
The little box grows her first teeth
And her little length grows
Her little width her little emptiness
And everything she has
The little box grows and grows
And now inside her is the cupboard
She was in before
And she grows and grows and grows
And now inside her is the room
And the house and town and land
And the world she was in before
The little box remembers her childhood
And by wishing really hard
Becomes a little box again
Now inside the little box
Is the whole world all teeny-weeny
Easy to slip in your pocket
Easy to steal easy to lose
Look after the little box
This translation is by Anne Pennington and revised by Francis R. Jones, and was published in Vasko Popa’s Complete Poems 1953-87 (Anvil, 1997, 2011). It is updated from the version by Aleksander Stefanovic published in Modern Poetry in Translation No.1. It is published here by permission of Carcanet Press.
#vaskopopa #poetryintranslation #poetry #quote
Tonight! Heno!
Performing Ilhan Çomak's poems with poet Simon Pettifer in Brecon tonight.
It will be a lovely drive up from Bristol through the countryside. Nice to get outta the city!
#poetry #poetryintranslation #kurdishpoetry
“All day long, all through the night, / all affairs — yours, ours, theirs — / are political affairs.
@BillyMills , here’s another interesting take on #poetry and #politics that I just came across (@joekd1 reminded me of #szymborska a few minutes ago) — Wisława Szymborska’s “Children of Our Age” (translated by Baranczak & Cavanagh) :
#poetry #politics #szymborska #poetryintranslation #polish
Ice that sealed the rock gaps
this morning starts to melt—
under the moss
water trickles
seeking its way
— Saigyō (12th century Japan, translated by Meredith McKinny in *Gazing At The Moon* [Shambhala, 2021])
#saigyo #tanka #translation #japanesepoetry #poetry #poetryintranslation
#saigyo #tanka #translation #japanesepoetry #poetry #poetryintranslation