My passion speaks
When I seek
Expression for my words.
I live today
The NA Way
In this, I know I'm heard.
When I do my best
To profess
My experience and hope,
The strength I lacked
Quickly comes back
And perspective widens scope
And with open mind
So soon I find,
When I listen to my fellows,
My racing thoughts,
Once so distraught,
Begins to soothe and mellow.
And as we stand
And join our hands,
And circle up and pray,
My heart exudes
The gratitude
To live just for today.
Something else to know about me is that I'm in #recovery from drug #addiction . 3yrs, 3mo & 25 days free of mind-altering substances! #recoveryispossible.
I wanted to share a poem I wrote a while ago for #poetrymondays, but it's too long for this limited format, so I'll post it in the replies.
#recovery #addiction #recoveryispossible #poetrymondays #introductions