A few lines from "To Begin With, The Sweet Grass" by May Oliver:
"Look, and look again.
This world is not just a little thrill for the eyes."
https://www.tumblr.com/apoemaday/640585600055099392/to-begin-with-the-sweet-grass #PoetryOfPresence #poems #poetry #EarthDay #EarthDayEveryDay #MaryOliver
#poetryofpresence #poems #poetry #EarthDay #earthdayeveryday #maryoliver
From "Care" by Craig Santos Perez:
"To all the parents who brave the crossing: you and your
children matter. I hope your love will teach the nations
that emit the most carbon and violence that they should,
instead, remit the most compassion."
https://poetrying.wordpress.com/2018/05/28/care-craig-santos-perez/ #immigrant #refugee #poetry #poems #PoetryOfPresence #care #compassion #children #fatherhood
#immigrant #Refugee #poetry #poems #poetryofpresence #care #compassion #children #fatherhood
On #VerseThursday celebrate "Big Joy" with James Broughton's poem "Easter Exultet". A few lines:
"Shake out your qualms.
Shake up your dreams.
Extend your branches.
Trust deep water
and head for open water,
even if your vision
shipwrecks you."
#VerseThursday #poetry #poem #poetryofpresence #bigjoy
It's not #VerseThursday yet but I don't know why I'd wait to share a poem that moved me.
"Planet" by Catherine Pierce
"Iβm ashamed
to say that most days I forget this planet. That most days
I think about dentist appointments and plagiarists
and the various ways I can try to protect my body from itself."
https://poetrying.wordpress.com/2018/12/31/planet-catherine-pierce/ #PoetryOfPresence #poem #poetry #climatecrisis #ecosystems #environment #CatherinePierce
#VerseThursday #poetryofpresence #poem #poetry #climatecrisis #ecosystems #environment #catherinepierce
I can't read this aloud without tearing up in the last stanza. CW violence in first stanza. It rises from there.
"Testimony" (for my daughters) by Rebecca Baggett https://www.ayearofbeinghere.com/2014/03/rebecca-baggett-testimony.html
#PoetryOfPresence #poetry #poem #hope #PayAttention #environment #RebeccaBaggett
#poetryofpresence #poetry #poem #hope #payattention #environment #rebeccabaggett
Phyllis Cole-Dai posted a mindfulness poem every day for 3 years; I've been making my way through reading the poems for each date for well over a year and am coming around again. Wonderful choices, and the site led to the anthology Poetry of Presence, which I recommend.
Today's selections:
#poetry #VerseThursday #PhyllisColeDai #mindfulness #books #PoetryOfPresence
#poetry #VerseThursday #phylliscoledai #mindfulness #books #poetryofpresence