Our next poem in the festival lineup is #submerged by #JohnPhebe. (Page 63) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a swimming pool. The title and byline are in white print over the blue of the swimming pool)
#submerged #johnphebe #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
Our first piece of poetry in our Labor Day Literary Festival is #TheSacredSecret by #MoonMoonChowdhury (Page 13) #mockingowlroostmagazine #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a beautiful pink lotus flower
with a pink filter over it. The title and byline are in white print over the filter.)
#thesacredsecret #moonmoonchowdhury #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
The last poem to end our Friday night poetry jam is #Undertow by #johnmuro (Page 50) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #poetry #poet
(Pictured is beautiful blue water with the title and byline in white over the picture.)
#undertow #johnmuro #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #poetry #poet
Next up in our poetry jam lineup is #WeddingsAndFunerals by #JimFerguson (Page 61) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023. #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is the shadow of a person in a stained glass doorway. The title and byline are in white print on grey boxes.)
#weddingsandfunerals #jimferguson #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
We start our Friday night poetry jam with #Escape by #charlesrammelkamp (Page 57) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured a black and white photo of a prison. The byline and title are in white print over the picture, with chain accents.)
#escape #charlesrammelkamp #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
We end this blue moon evening with lovely poetry. Please enjoy #Mantra by #LynnWhite (Page 55) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a fiery background with the title and byline in white print over the picture.)
#mantra #lynnwhite #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
We close the evening with lovely poetry. Please enjoy #MuteScars by #MoonMoonChowdhury (Page 43) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured are two faces, with a red to grey filter over them. The title and byline are in white print over the picture.)
#mutescars #moonmoonchowdhury #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
We continue with poetry as the afternoon winds down to a close. Please enjoy #TartanKeeperOfTheWatch by #GarrettFlagg (Page 41) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(The background of picture is green with a tartan border. The title and byline are in white print on the green block.)
#tartankeeperofthewatch #garrettflagg #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
Saturday is a beautiful day for lovely poetry. Please enjoy #Eventide by #johnmuro (Page 28) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a beautiful river at sunset. The title and byline are in black print over the picture.)
#eventide #johnmuro #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
We end the night with beautiful poetry. Please enjoy #LittleCircleWaterSong by #LQuattrochi (Page 18) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is rippling water, with a green and blue filter over the top of the picture. The title and byline are in black letting over the filters.)
#littlecirclewatersong #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
Poetry is a wonderful way to end the evening. Please enjoy #TribeANightBeforeTheFire by #GarrettFlagg (Page 65) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
(Pictured is a large fire on a black background. The title and byline is in white print.)
#tribeanightbeforethefire #garrettflagg #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
We offer poetry to lift this day, and and your spirits, as the afternoon passes. Enjoy #EnHarmoniques by #ritamockpike (Page 11) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(The title and byline are in white script over a beautiful background of pastels.)
#enharmoniques #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
Enjoy more mid-morning poetry. #Hypocrisy by #TemidayoOlaleye. (Page 48) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a graffiti painting of a large pair of lips in beautiful colors of reds/pinks/blues. The title and byline are in white littering over the picture.)
#hypocrisy #temidayoolaleye #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poet #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
Mid-day poetry about love lifts the heart and brightens the soul. Enjoy #GodAtPlayInLove by #ritamockpike (Page 21) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers #lovepoetry #religiouslovepoetry
(Pictured is a purple dragon flying over a multi-colored countryside. The title and byline are in purple lettering in the sky.)
#godatplayinlove #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers #lovepoetry #religiouslovepoetry
More poetry to ease us into Thursday. Enjoy the poem #ABCFamily by #stephaniedaich #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured are gold letters on a yellow background. The “family” part of the title and byline are written in black on the yellow background.)
#abcfamily #stephaniedaich #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
This poem may inspire action today. Enjoy #ForestBathing by #JessicaParker (Page 56) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is a forest with white lettering for the title and byline.)
#forestbathing #jessicaparker #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetrycommunity #poetry #poet #poetrylovers