IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
283 followers · 1879 posts · Server

Monu Manesar represents the rise of a militant Hindutva during the Modi decade

The rise of Manesar brings into focus a new facet to Hindutva mobilisation in India. State support for communal violence is not new to India. Despite this history, the open state support for a man accused of such gruesome crimes is still a fairly new phenomenon. Shoaib Daniyal writes.

#monumanesar #hindumobs #BJP #muslims #cowvigilantism #riotsystem #pogroms #KapilMishra #IndianMuslims #hindutva #vhp #RSS #Bajrangdal #hatespeech #communalviolence #haryana #delhi #haryanaviolence #india

Last updated 1 year ago

InformactionsMC · @MarieClaudeS
228 followers · 8376 posts · Server

A l’encontre/Haaretz
« Ordre permanent pour des pogroms contre les Palestiniens »

#israel #palestine #pogroms

Last updated 1 year ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1696 followers · 890 posts · Server

Today is , .✡️

Like so many others alive today, the memory of this family's connection to the had been lost, until they charted out their . This video gives a mind-jarring demonstration of how many branches of so many were never allowed to bloom & grow, and a vivid reminder of why we must .

The which fueled the gas chambers did not suddenly begin in the 1930s. It had been kindling a flame of hate long before, and was merely practicing for & , when the brutality of the began in the 1800s.

is important because it does not merely give us names; it connects us to and imbues & instills within us the importance of fighting the hatred of the past, whenever it raises its ugly head in our present.

#holocaustremembranceday #yomhashoah #holocaust #genealogy #familytrees #neverforget #antisemitism #auschwitz #buchenwald #pogroms #history #geneadon #geneadons #jewishgenealogy #fighthate #fighthatespeech #genealogists #usefulcharts #familytree #worldwarii #wwii

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1696 followers · 890 posts · Server

Today is , .✡️

Like so many others alive today, the memory of this family's connection to the had been lost, until they charted out their . This video gives a mind-jarring demonstration of how many branches of so many were never allowed to bloom & grow, and a vivid reminder of why we must .

The which fueled the gas chambers did not suddenly begin in the 1930s. It had been kindling a flame of hate long before, and was merely practicing for & , when the brutality of the began in the 1800s.

is important because it does not merely give us names; it connects us to and imbues & instills within us the importance of fighting the hatred of the past, whenever it raises its ugly head in our present.

#holocaustremembranceday #yomhashoah #holocaust #genealogy #familytrees #neverforget #antisemitism #auschwitz #buchenwald #pogroms #history #geneadon #geneadons #jewishgenealogy #fighthate #fighthatespeech #genealogists #usefulcharts #familytree #worldwarii #wwii

Last updated 2 years ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
158 followers · 968 posts · Server

A Single Factor Is Common to All Communal Riots During Religious Processions in India

No cause of interfaith riots has been as recurrent and widespread as the religious procession. The key factor in causing and preventing such riots has always been the route.

#riots #pogroms #communalviolence #religiousprocessions #mosques #hindutva #BJP #RSS #vhp #janasangh #ramnavami #history #law #courts #justice #india

Last updated 2 years ago

RationalWiki · @RationalWiki
123 followers · 351 posts · Server

The , known by many Jews as The Shoah, was the systematic and deliberate of ethnic , , , , people, people, and political opponents by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1945. This program of mass murder occurred in various methods, including mass extrajudicial executions, gas vans, forced labor in concentration camps, and gas chambers in Nazi extermination camps. The most heavily used death camps were Auschwitz, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibór, and Treblinka, which the Nazis built across occupied Poland. Nazi Germany and its Axis allies murdered approximately 17 million people in the course of the Holocaust, about 6 million of them Jews.

#holocaust #genocide #jews #slavs #roma #homosexuals #transgender #handicapped #pogroms #rationalwiki #nazigermany

Last updated 2 years ago

Noxsoma · @noxsoma
0 followers · 277 posts · Server
Noxsoma · @noxsoma
0 followers · 276 posts · Server
Jeremy (יעקב) 🇺🇦 · @imstilljeremy
94 followers · 223 posts · Server

@popcornreel @aravosis

Two big things I wish people would internalize about are these:
1. was the inspiration for the . hung a portrait of him, gave him the highest award, and cited him as the biggest influence on his thinking.
2. Henry Ford was inspired by , an invention of the which formed the basis for in Russia, the idea of ( control of , , and ).

#antisemitism #henryford #holocaust #hitler #theprotocols #antisemitic #ussr #pogroms #zog #zionist #media #government #war

Last updated 2 years ago

🇪🇺 Yet Another Owl · @61ennepi
246 followers · 5585 posts · Server

Ricordiamole certe tirate, perché quelli che le seguono, anche in considerazione dei riferimenti impliciti, sono espressioni di quel vecchio noto serpente.

I rettili mi scuseranno... l'italiano mi permette queste metafore, non altre :-).

Non basta rinnegare il proprio passato in campagna elettorale.

#putin #orthodox #bigots #pogroms

Last updated 2 years ago

· @NaturalNews
5593 followers · 25340 posts · Server