DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
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leaders say they won’t tolerate paramilitary camp in Springfield

by Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli August 9, 2023

"After reading a Bangor Daily News article about former U.S. Marine Christopher Pohlhaus building a neo-Nazi encampment in Penobscot County, Sen. Joe Baldacci, D-Bangor, wrote Tuesday on social media it is 'time for the Governor, the Attorney General of Maine, the Penobscot County District Attorney, and the U.S. Attorney to work on shutting these down and sending this guy back to .'

"Since last year, has been inviting white male followers to move to Maine and especially to his 10.6-acre property in Springfield to help him clear land for cabins and train for what he calls a violent war. Pohlhaus’ Springfield project is an example of organized taking root in Maine."

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#maine #neonazi #nazis #texas #pohlhaus #extremism #antifa #antinazi #noroomforhateinourstate

Last updated 1 year ago

Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
95 followers · 252 posts · Server

"The rightwing Christian alternative to GoFundMe is allowing a neo-Nazi leader to raise thousands of dollars on their platform, according to online records reviewed by VICE News.

GiveSendGo, which had already made headlines for allowing far-right groups like the Proud Boys raise millions of dollars off of its platform, is currently hosting a former Marine and neo-Nazi named Christopher , who among other activities, wants to build an all-white community in Maine.

Pohlhaus has commanded a sizable Telegram following for years and once gave a live stream on how best to hypothetically shoot truckers in order to disrupt the supply chain. He has also had connections to everyone from Riley June Williams—the January 6 attacker who broke into then Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office—to -131, a neo-Nazi activist network in New England that was founded by a former member of a designated group.

Despite those credentials, GiveSendGo, a site that promotes itself as the “#1 Free Christian Fundraising Site”, has yet to boot Pohlhaus from their platform. was notified at least twice last year about the avowed neo- and his affiliations to the violent far-right. In September, an analyst at the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), a non-profit terrorism watchdog, contacted GiveSendGo to say Pohlhaus was using it as a platform for making money and establishing a white nationalist community."

This is the same guy recently seen in waving nazi flags, throwing salutes, and threatening 2SLGBTQI+ people over an all-ages benefit show.

#pohlhaus #NSC #terrorist #GiveSendGo #nazi #ohio #drag #fashwatch #rwe #ChristoFascism #farright #bloodtribe

Last updated 2 years ago