These are the 20 best games of the year.
Well, technically, it's a list of my favorite 2022 games that I played in 2022. But that's not as catchy.
Also my opinions are immaculate.
Please take a look. There were so many good games this year! But, to save you a click, my top five games of the year are:
5. #Rollerdrome
4. #VampireSurvivors
3. #Overwatch 2
2. #GodofWarRagnarok
1. #Poinpy
Poinpy is a perfect game. It had to be number one.
#Rollerdrome #VampireSurvivors #overwatch #GodOfWarRagnarok #poinpy #games #videogames #gaming
Games I loved
#Poinpy (mobile)
#SliceAndDice (mobile)
#rollerdrome #tunic #norco #roguelegacy2 #poinpy #sliceanddice #scorn
🍅🍋Netflix harpidetzarekin #Android|en zein #iOS|en doan joka dezakegun bideojoko txiki zein bikaina da Ojiro Fumoto|k sortutako Poinpy.
Ez ezazu galdu aurtengo ezusteetako bat: sakon eta luze idatzi dugu jokoari buruz!
#android #ios #bideojokoak #poinpy #analisia