Katie Leavens · @kleavens
81 followers · 13 posts · Server sfba.social

Thinking about being an artist in a world with Al created art while warming up today. As craftsmen, we must strive towards perfection; as artists, we must work towards humanity.

It feels like such a new problem, but I'm sure the feelings are similar to those of the scribes during the early years of the printing press. The style of writing that was developed right around that time was literally called "humanist minuscule".

#calligraphy #artistvsai #pointedpen #engrossersscript

Last updated 2 years ago

CoraTaylor · @CoraTaylor
12 followers · 25 posts · Server universeodon.com

Letter-a-day challenge, day 13. "M" variations are my most polished letters, thanks to writing "Mr. and Mrs...." a b-b-billion times

#calligraweekly #calligraletters #calligraphy #copperplate #weddinginvitations #pointedpen

Last updated 2 years ago

CompassRose · @CompassRose
3 followers · 7 posts · Server fandom.ink

One of the things I took up during That Year was essentially doodling. Before that I’d never really trusted those pointed nibs, although I did quite a bit of broad-nib .

Anyway, I still sit down and write a random word or phrase or three whenever I need a break. Though I started with a dip nib, I now use a fountain pen — this is an Opus 88 colour demonstrator with a Flexible Nib Factory Zebra G adapter and Dominant Industry Sunset.

#pointedpen #calligraphy

Last updated 2 years ago