We continue to observe #deportations from #Algeria to the northern border of #Niger: During 15 and 16 July, a total of 1,335 (!!) people were deported to #PointZero and to #Assamaka. The incidents are worrying. The humanitarian crisis is the direct result of the mass deportations
#Assamaka #pointzero #niger #algeria #deportations
RT @AlarmephoneS
Nous continuons à observer des #déportations de l'#Algérie vers la frontière nord du #Niger: Au cours des 11 derniers jours, un total de 1.475 (!!) personnes ont été déportées vers #PointZero et vers #Assamaka. Les incidents sont inquiétants. La crise humanitaire actuelle est le
#deportations #algerie #niger #pointzero #Assamaka
Alleine in den letzten elf Tagen wurden 1475 Menschen aus Algerien am Point Zero in die Wüste des Niger abgeschoben.
Die humanitäre Krise verschärft sich massiv weiter.
RT @AlarmephoneS
We continue to observe #deportations from #Algeria to the northern border of #Niger: In the last 11 days alone, a total of 1,475 (!!) people have been deported to #PointZero and/or to #Assamaka. The incidents are worrying. The current humanitarian …
#deportations #algeria #niger #pointzero #Assamaka
RT @AlarmephoneS
Expulsions from the #Algerian side continue😡
On 11/4/23 around 11pm (so during the night when it is more dangerous and difficult to orientate oneself in the desert!!) 487 migrants of different nationalities were chased from the trucks at #PointZero to walk 15km to #Assamaka :
#algerian #pointzero #Assamaka
RT @AlarmephoneS
Les expulsions massives de l’#Algérie vers #Niger! 😡 Selon nos sources il y avait deux arrivés les derniers jours avec 1.277 prs concernées!!!
Concrètement, le 24/03, il s’agissait d’un arrivé spectaculaire à 20h, alors un refoulement dans un convoi non-officiel au #PointZero.
Erneute Massenabschiebung von Algerien in den Niger: 1277 Menschen mitten in der Wüste am Point Zero ausgesetzt...
RT @AlarmephoneS
Mass expulsions from #Algeria to #Niger! 😡 According to our sources there were two arrivals in the last days with 1.277 prs concerned!!!
Specifically, on 24/03, it was a spectacular arrival at 8pm, so a pushback in an unofficial convoy at #PointZero. This created more dangerous
Vor vier Tagen wurden erneut fast 900 MigrantInnen vom algerischen Militär mitten in der Wüste ausgesetzt. Sie mussten zu Fuß nach Assamaka im Niger laufen...
RT @AlarmephoneS
**Refoulement from #Algeria to #Niger in so-called unofficial convoys**
On 12/2/2023 899 (!!) migrants of different nationalities were turned back by the Algerian military to #PointZero and arrived on foot in #Assamaka :
Benin: 34
Burkina Faso: 3
Cameroon: …
#algeria #niger #pointzero #Assamaka
Expulsions from Algeria 🇩🇿 to Niger 🇳🇪 continue.😡 Between 16-21/10/22 366 people from various countries were forced out of trucks by law enforcement 🇩🇿 at #PointZero & walk 15km (!!!) to #Assamaka (‘unofficial convoys’) or have been deported to #Assamaka with ‘official convoys’