I've been re-reading these days, and arrived to the same conclusion:

"Further adventures are unlikely to appear and, honestly, that's for the best.
In the end (...) Poison Elves is one creator's unique vision and that's its appeal (...)
While we'd like to believe that most characters, or stories, can live beyond the death of their creator, Poison Elves is an example that disproves this notion.(...)
All there is, is all there ever will be. And somehow that seems appropriate."


Last updated 2 years ago

A video published a week ago it seems:

Poison Elves: Long, Pointy Ears And Bad Attitudes
"A look at the 100 issue series, . Written and illustrated by Drew Hayes. Published by Mulehide Graphics and Sirius Entertainment between 1991-2007."

#poisonelves #comics

Last updated 2 years ago

MrAmaimon · @MrAmaimon
118 followers · 492 posts · Server aus.social

@Wolfie_Rankin I'm from the tiny generation of internet users who created an online being mostly separate from meat space and protect that reputation as I do my other reputation. If you see a jerk MrAmaimon with a avatar let me know so I go clear it up (other than me being a jerk to trolls and conspiracy theorists)


Last updated 2 years ago

MrAmaimon · @MrAmaimon
108 followers · 347 posts · Server aus.social

Ok, an introduction post seem a good idea.

I'm a (early onset ) white cis-guy from the country side of the with an anchistic, almost Nilist, approach to spelling and grammar

I'm a fan of and books

Watch and movies, and look to and podcasts for movie reviews

Spend my home days looking into , and highly recommend and podcasts for anyone trying to follow the weird alternate world pushing into reality

I relax by playing (DMing at moment) and am hoping get (from ), and several games from going though I have accused of just to have an excuse to be a

Musicaly I'm into and I like to hunt around for new music

Politically I'm a with leanings trying to support (and learn more about) and other oppressed groups

I hope a good round of me. Say hi anytime, and I'll finish with hashtags that didn't fit into sentences

#disabled #parkinsons #australia #bluemountians #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #brandonsanderson #robinhobb #mcu #superhero #linoleumknife #criticallyacclaimed #conspiracytheories #knowledgefight #stufftheydontwantyoutoknow #qanonanon #dnd #invisiblesun #montecookgames #shadowrun #kickstarter #roleplayinggames #dicegoblin #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #babyanimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #fourplaystringquartet #kimboekbinder #bandcamp #progressive #lefty #anachist #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers #daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn

Last updated 2 years ago

MrAmaimon · @MrAmaimon
108 followers · 347 posts · Server aus.social

"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."

#fantasy #rpgs #poisonelves #thesandman #terrypratchett #knowledgefight #gam

Last updated 2 years ago