Digital comic auditions for a saucy lovemaking sex comic between #Eileen (#SewerQueen) and #CraigWilliams (part of a follow-up episode in comic form) are now officially opened!
We will be auditioning 2 or not more than 5 illustrative comic artists to be simultaneously collaborated on us -- per examples of #pokachu, #ardidon, #dxt91, #ms10, #warase, etc.
To apply, you must complete our following requirements in our previous toot post:
(screengrab via CN Studios)
#Eileen #SewerQueen #craigwilliams #pokachu #ardidon #DXT91 #ms10 #warase
If you're interested to join our digital and horniest lewd comic project of #CraigOfTheCreek... The requirements are the following:
*Must be a medium-rare or professional comic arts to yourself (with the examples from #pokachu, #warase, #ms10, etc.)
*Comfortable legal age limits before or after the age of 18. Teens and/or Kids is also a plus for lovemaking use.
*Minimum comic art collaboration members is 2, up to a maximum of 5.
#craigofthecreek #pokachu #warase #ms10