Thomas Michl · @thomas_michl
808 followers · 3387 posts · Server

Nächste Vortrag auf der verspricht die in den Fokus zu stellen. Vermisse aber bereits nach den ersten Sätzen Dinge wie und . Rein mit technischen Lösungen wird das nicht funktionieren. Genau das scheint hier leider im Fokus zu stehen.

#lsz #burgerzufriedenheit #gembawalk #pokayoke

Last updated 1 year ago

ɗℯʃƕρʋ · @deshipu
981 followers · 159 posts · Server

Next is , which is basically how hard it is to get it right. Obviously you want the users to make as few errors as possible. There are design techniques like that pretty much reduce this to zero, but as everything, they come at a cost, so sometimes it's better to just make the errors really obvious and easy to correct instead.

#errorproneness #pokayoke

Last updated 2 years ago