@pomaikai4u and me...We're out for a beer. She is saying hi to snorlax while i am on a talk with a friend
@pomaikai4u und ich sind für ein Bier draußen unterwegs. Sie sagt Relaxo Hi während ich mit einem Freund rede.
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#Relaxo #snorlax #togekiss #isso #wynaut #beer
#arshot #pokemongoar #gosnapshot
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp #relaxo #snorlax #togekiss #isso #wynaut #beer #biergarten #arshot #pokemongoar #gosnapshot
That Was a long day... my last one at the school i worked for 10 years. So we went to bed early. Little komala is sleeping so don't wake him up.
Das war ein langer Tag.... mein letzter an der Schule, an der ich 10 Jahre gearbeitet habe. Also sind wir früh zu Bett gegangen.
Das kleine Koalelu schläft also weckt ihn nicht auf.
#kolalelu #ponita #zorua #Bummelz #kätzchen
#komala #ponyta #slakoth #kitten
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot
#kolalelu #ponita #zorua #bummelz #katzchen #komala #ponyta #slakoth #kitten #shiny #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot #pokemongofriends
Today i spent time outside. This lovely place is just what i needed after weeks full of work.
Heute habe ich Zeit draussen verbracht. Dieses wundervolle Plätzchen war genau das, was ich nach Wochen voller Arbeit gebraucht habe.
#relicanth #bidifas #felino
#bibarel #wooper
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#relicanth #bidifas #felino #bibarel #wooper #shiny #margherhymesjourney #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
Ok ... here we go... something ends and something new will start.
Do you want to be my host or come into my town virtually? I will create a shorttrip with your avatar and mine in pictures maybe reels. Feel free to dm me
#margherhymesjourney #shorttrip
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #arshot #gosnapshot
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#margherhymesjourney #shorttrip #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #arshot #gosnapshot #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #pokemonlove
#GOsnapshot #PokemonGOAR #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
#gosnapshot #pokemongoar #ポケモンgo #pokemongo