I started playing #PokemonGo again a few weeks ago, after being inactive for a long time. Glad to see the game has changed quite a bit!
It’s still a bit empty though in my friends list…Wanna be buddies? Add me here: 8777 6116 6770
Hey #PokemonGo friends, my sister has started playing again and is looking for friends. Her friend code is 7018 9243 8004
#pokemongo #pokemongofriends #pokemongofriendcode
Charmander Communityday . Specialresearch, fieldresearch and more
Glumanda Communityday. Spezialforschung, Feldforschungen und mehr.
#Communityday #cday #charmander #glumanda #pokemongo #event
#Specialresearch #spezialforschung #infographic #infografik
#charizard #glurak #shiny
#pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#communityday #cday #charmander #glumanda #pokemongo #event #specialresearch #spezialforschung #infographic #infografik #charizard #glurak #shiny #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Adventures abound ... new season in PokémonGO
Reichlich Abenteuer... Neue Season in PokémonGO
#newseason #pokemongo
#adventuresabound #reichlichabenteuer #kaguron #katagami #Entei #raikou #suicune
#infographic #infografik #Paldea #paldeastarter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#newseason #pokemongo #septemberupdate #adventuresabound #reichlichabenteuer #kaguron #katagami #entei #raikou #suicune #infographic #infografik #paldea #paldeastarter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
Adventures abound ... new season in PokémonGO
Reichlich Abenteuer... Neue Season in PokémonGO
#newseason #pokemongo
#adventuresabound #reichlichabenteuer #kaguron #katagami #Entei #raikou #suicune
#infographic #infografik #Paldea #paldeastarter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#newseason #pokemongo #septemberupdate #adventuresabound #reichlichabenteuer #kaguron #katagami #entei #raikou #suicune #infographic #infografik #paldea #paldeastarter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
Meine Ausbeute vom #PokemonGoFest2023 kann sich sehen lassen, viele Shinys und Mega-Rayquaza 😍
Trainercode: 3745 7596 0501
Referralcode: FM23JKG4C
#pokemongofest2023 #pokemongo #pokemongofriends
Mega Rayquaza sunday in raids.
Mega-Rayquaza Sonntag in den Raids.
#megarayquaza #pokemongo #raid #counter #konter #raidcounter #raidkonter #shiny #shinyhunt
#pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#infographic #infografik
#megarayquaza #pokemongo #raid #counter #konter #raidcounter #raidkonter #shiny #shinyhunt #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends #infographic #infografik
Primal groudon will come back and has a raidhour this week.
Proto Groudon wird zurückkommen und hat diese Woche eine Raidstunde
#kyogre #primalgroudon #protogroudon
#pokemongo #shiny
#counter #konter
#infographic #infografik
#kyogre #primalgroudon #protogroudon #pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Primal Kyogre will come back and has a raidhour this week.
Proto Kyogre wird zurückkommen und hat diese Woche eine Raidstunde
#kyogre #primalkyogre #protokyogre
#pokemongo #shiny
#counter #konter
#infographic #infografik
#kyogre #primalkyogre #protokyogre #pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Couldn't play between 2 -5 pm. So i was really happy about the 4* raids and spawns ❤️ thats he 3rd time i used this feature because i had no time to play. And even when i played only 1 hour, i managed to catch 7 shinies 🙂
#Communityday #pokemongo #froakie #froxy #shiny #4starraid #thankful #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#communityday #pokemongo #froakie #froxy #shiny #4starraid #thankful #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Specialresearch communityday froakie
Spezialforschung Communityday Froxy
#Communityday #cday
#froakie #froxy #shiny #shinyrelease
#pokemongo #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#infographic #infografik
#communityday #cday #froakie #froxy #shiny #shinyrelease #pokemongo #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends #infographic #infografik
Specialresearch communityday froakie
Spezialforschung Communityday Froxy
#Communityday #cday
#froakie #froxy #shiny #shinyrelease
#pokemongo #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#infographic #infografik
#communityday #cday #froakie #froxy #shiny #shinyrelease #pokemongo #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends #infographic #infografik
Communityday poliwag researches, specialresearch and more
Communityday Quapsel. Forschungen, Spezialforschung und mehr
#Communityday #cday
#quapsel #poliwag
#pokemongo #Event
#Specialresearch #spezialforschung #research #Forschung
#infographic #infografik
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#communityday #cday #quapsel #poliwag #pokemongo #event #specialresearch #spezialforschung #research #forschung #infographic #infografik #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
Mega Tyranitar next week in PokémonGO 7/25-8/4.
Mega-Despotar nächste Woche in PokémonGO 25.7.-4.8.
#counter #infographic #infografik #megatyranitar #megadespotar #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#counter #infographic #infografik #megatyranitar #megadespotar #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Yungoos 7/25 candy ×2 transfer
Mangunior 25.7. Bonbon x2 Verschicken
#infographic #infografik #rampenlichtstunde #yungoos #pokemongofriends #shiny #pokemongo #mangunior #spotlighthour #pokemongocommunity
#infographic #infografik #rampenlichtstunde #yungoos #pokemongofriends #shiny #pokemongo #mangunior #spotlighthour #pokemongocommunity
Regidrago Next week in PokémonGO 7/25-8/4
Regidrago nächste Woche in PokémonGO 25.7.-4.8.
#counter #infographic #infografik #regidrago #noshiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#counter #infographic #infografik #regidrago #noshiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Zygarde Debut ... Blaze new trails Event 7/ 21 - 7/24
Zygarde Debüt ... Neue Wege Event
#zygarde #mangunior #yungoos
#blazenewtrails #neuewege #Event
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongofriends #pokemoncommunity
#specialresearch #spezialforschung
#zygarde #mangunior #yungoos #shiny #blazenewtrails #neuewege #event #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongofriends #pokemoncommunity #specialresearch #spezialforschung
Due to login issues on 7/9, a global makeup Event (for all) will be held this sunday.
Aufgrund von Login Problemen am 9.7., wird am Sonntag für alle das Event wiederholt.
#communityday #comday #cday #classic #squirtle #schiggy #shiny
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#communityday #comday #cday #classic #squirtle #schiggy #shiny #makeupevent #pokemongo #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
That Was a long day... my last one at the school i worked for 10 years. So we went to bed early. Little komala is sleeping so don't wake him up.
Das war ein langer Tag.... mein letzter an der Schule, an der ich 10 Jahre gearbeitet habe. Also sind wir früh zu Bett gegangen.
Das kleine Koalelu schläft also weckt ihn nicht auf.
#kolalelu #ponita #zorua #Bummelz #kätzchen
#komala #ponyta #slakoth #kitten
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot
#kolalelu #ponita #zorua #bummelz #katzchen #komala #ponyta #slakoth #kitten #shiny #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot #pokemongofriends
Today i spent time outside. This lovely place is just what i needed after weeks full of work.
Heute habe ich Zeit draussen verbracht. Dieses wundervolle Plätzchen war genau das, was ich nach Wochen voller Arbeit gebraucht habe.
#relicanth #bidifas #felino
#bibarel #wooper
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#relicanth #bidifas #felino #bibarel #wooper #shiny #margherhymesjourney #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #pokemongoar #gosnapshot #arshot #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity