
I decided to bring in my Pikachu from Yellow, as I had taught her Body Slam, which can only be learned in Gen 1. Also, she came with a Light Ball, boosting her special attack. Shame it doesn't work that way in Gen 1. Oh, and she was also 20 levels higher than the rest of my team. So I only brought her in against water Pokemon. Misty got wrecked.

Evolving her into a Raichu was a task. Bill's grandfater is the only one who supplies a Thunder Stone, and you have to catch several Pokemon before you can get it. The fact that a couple were only catchable at night slowed things down. It also required breeding for a Pichu. My Pikachu did not expect to become a mother, as we had assumed in Yellow that she was a he.

Golem is now swapped out. A shame, as I actually enjoyed having one. But he was the most redundant member, as Slugma has Rock Slide and Nidoking has Earthquake.



Last updated 1 year ago

I wasn't planning to write another Pokemon Silver update so soon, but there's something I just had to bring up ASAP.

Okay, so, I have a Golem now! Had to trade-evolve with my dead copy of Crystal because Graveler has a couple Gen 2 moves that can't be traded to Yellow. Not only did the dead battery make for a risky trade, but it seems like there's a short in my Game Boy Color. The speaker was making a buzzing noise, and the power indicator was flickering a bit.

But that is not why I wanted to write this update.

Golem's Pokedex entry, for those curious:
"It is capable of blowing itself up. It uses this explosive force to jump from mountain to mountain."
That is hilarious and I wanna see art of that.

But that is not why I wanted to write this update.

Now having a Golem for possibly the first time ever, I wanted to test his newfound strength. So I get into battle, and...

Is that seriously Golem's battle sprite???

#pokemon #pokemonsilver #golem

Last updated 1 year ago


With Wartortle on my team, I no longer needed Wooper. I brought back Hoppip as my grass-type. It ain't no grass-attacker, but it is an annoyer. Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and flinch chance with Headbutt. Plus Synthesis to heal while the oponent is asleep. *maniacal laughter*

Wooper would've had ground-type attacks, so I wanted to teach Dig to Wartortle. However, I already used the one-use-only Dig TM on Wooper. It's possible to breed TMs, if the TM user is male, which Wooper is. The catch is that the Blastoise I brought in from Yellow was also male. So I had to first breed for a female Squirtle. There is only a 12.5% chance a Squirtle will be born female. I owed the Daycare a lot of money. There's also now a dozen male Squirtles released to the wild.

BTW, according to my game, it is currently night. I set the clock to be night during the day. I like nighttime.

#pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 1 year ago

Pokemon Silver update:

After hoisting Whitney by her own petard (see video), I made a beeline towards the Lake of Rage to nab a Girafarig. Though it's a favorite of mine, I won't train it, this time. I needed it to breed that Nidoran♂ with Confusion. And then immediatley taught it Attract, because Nidos are cute.

Meanwhile, I decided to use Bill's time capsule to acquire a Pokemon I will never have another chance to train in Gen 2 again: Bulbasaur, my favorite starter. First, I had to retrieve my Level 55 Venusaur from Yellow, and then catch a Ditto for breeding. An expensive breeding, as my Girafarig and Nidoran♀ were still at the daycare and racked up some withdrawal fees.

Saying goodbye to Hoppip. I kinda wanna continue training it, but looking at its moveset, it only learns ONE grass attack: Mega Drain. And it doesn't learn it until Level 30! It's not even a strong grass attack!


#pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 1 year ago

I had forgotten how absolutely awful the TM selection is in Pokemon Gen 2. The Nidoran family especially lacks that versatility that makes them awesome in other generations. Can't even learn the one good poison-type TM in this gen. I might raise a Nidoran♂️ instead. At least then I could breed one with Confusion. Surprise other poison-types with a psychic attack while also resisting their poisonous attacks.

Meanwhile, evolutionary stones can't be acquired until midway through the post-game in Gold & Silver. What the heck?

Anyway, I have added a Wooper to my team. I think I only raised one of those once, ever. I also forgot that Hoppip was a thing. For the sake of trying something new, swapped out Chikorita.

#pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 1 year ago

Discovered that my copy of Pokemon Silver still has a working battery, despite the current battery being six years old. Not sure how long that'll last, so playing it while I have the chance. On my Game Boy Pocket. I have a working GBC, but I am still feeling nostalgic for the black & white system.

My goal for this run is to mostly use Pokemon I don't usually use. Exceptions are Chikorita because I need a good grass type, and Nidoran♀️ because of course I am.

One Pokemon I've never really used is Unown. Decided that I will this time, if I can find one that's strong against normal types. I did, and it's the letter E! Now I *have* to use it!

Also giving Geodude a fair shot. It's got major weaknesses, but maybe it won't suck if I don't send it against water types.

Also currently on my team: Hoothoot, Sentret, and that Togepi egg that I am hatching but probably not gonna use.

#pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 1 year ago

Johto Times · @johto
62 followers · 53 posts · Server donphan.social

Issue 20 of the Johto Times newsletter is now available!

This week, we are delighted to share an interview with Ayano from Blue Moon Falls, a Pokémon fan website with the look and feel of a classic community from the 2000s!


#pokemon #johto #pokemongold #pokemonsilver #pokemoncrystal #suicune #90s #00s #gameboy #nintendo

Last updated 1 year ago

🎴Kabuki, ronin · @Kabukironin
22 followers · 197 posts · Server donphan.social

:shiny_charm: :trainer:


Last updated 2 years ago

Grort · @Grort
20 followers · 186 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Thought I'd get a few more and games ahead of delivery of my , and the first to arrive was for the . Never really had that many GBC games, so it's nice to get one I'll probably sink a good amount of time into, especially since I loved / . Be nice to see the original in full.

#gameboy #gba #analoguepocket #pokemonsilver #gbc #heartgold #soulsilver #gamecollection

Last updated 2 years ago

edo999 · @edo999
24 followers · 46 posts · Server mastodon.social

Here are some of the pages of this Famimaga 64 from November 1997 with a teaser for Pokémon Silver and Gold on the cover (2 years before the release).

#videogame #pokemon #pokemongoldandsilver #pokemonsilver #poemongold #gameboy #magazine #japanese

Last updated 2 years ago

Edthedev · @Edthedev
108 followers · 494 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

More thoughts on

I'm one gym badge in, and there's so much to love.

- Tonight I dropped into a party with my kids and played the whole play session together. The whole game continues, just with my kids playing alongside me.
- The designs of the themselves are the best since - It's getting tough to decide on my party, and I'll almost certainly revisit a few.
- Fast travel opens up almost immediately.

9.9/10 so far. Fantastic.

#pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 2 years ago

Edthedev · @Edthedev
100 followers · 476 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

More thoughts on

I'm one gym badge and one titan in, and there's so much to love here.

- Tonight I dropped into a party with my kids and played the whole play session together. The whole game continues, just with my kids playing alongside me.
- The designs of the themselves are the best since - It's getting tough to decide on my party, and I'll almost certainly revisit a few.
- Fast travel opens up almost immediately.

9.9/10 so far. Fantastic.

#pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemon #pokemonsilver

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyden · @Kyden
1 followers · 4 posts · Server nerdculture.de

My atomic purple gbc and battery pack from my childhood. Only thing I changed was the pikachu and pichu lens.

#gameboycolor #pokemonsilver

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas · @joeycasmate
2 followers · 8 posts · Server masto.ai


Hello hello

- my new favourite MMORPG
- an all time fave, currently replaying
- my childhood sweetheart
- life changing for me
- perhaps my favourite game of all time, still unsure

#embersadrift #falloutnewvegas #pokemonsilver #darksouls #bloodborne

Last updated 2 years ago

JayCB64 · @JayCB64
88 followers · 30 posts · Server oldbytes.space