Nella seconda parte del DLC, Il disco indaco è possibile esplorare quattro biomi unici nell'Istituto Mirtillo, che i giocatori frequenteranno in occasione di uno scambio studentesco all'estero. Troveremo una struttura chiamata Bioterarium, la quale ospita diversi ecosistemi mirati a garantire un ambiente vivibile per i Pokémon. Questo celebre parco sottomarino fu costruito per offrire un ambiente di apprendimento agli Allenatori particolarmente forti. Il Bioterarium è composto da quattro aree, ognuna delle quali è caratterizzata da un clima e un ecosistema unici. Il cielo artificiale proiettato sul soffitto e sulle pareti cambia in base al momento della giornata e al meteo. Ciascuna delle aree ha una sua temperatura regolata con cura e ospita Pokémon completamente diversi
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonfan
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonfan
Nella prima parte del DLC La maschera turchese i giocatori andranno in visita a Verdegiada, un villaggio che si trova a Nordivia. Il circolo comunale, che si trova nel cuore di Verdegiada, è un luogo di ritrovo pubblico dove la gente del posto può riunirsi e chiacchierare, ma sarà anche la base operativa dei giocatori durante il viaggio di studio. Lì vicino c'è un negozio con esposti giocattoli e riviste e, appena fuori dal villaggio, è possibile ammirare un panorama di risaie e campi pittoreschi
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonfan
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonfan
This Girafarig just tried to nope out of this battle and into a cliff #nintendoswitch #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonviolet
#pokemonviolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet #nintendoswitch
This kind of pedestrian and sentient bicycle-focused infrastructure would be illegal to build in much of North America #pokemonvioletandscarlet
Hariyama le MVP de #pokemonvioletandscarlet qui a couché le conseil des 4, la rivale et Cassiopée 🥰🥰🥰🥰
#pokemons #NintendoSwitch2022
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemons #nintendoswitch2022
Lil smoliv for your day #pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #nintendo #nintendoswitch #gaming #videogames #fanart
#pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #nintendo #nintendoswitch #gaming #videogames #fanart
Lets cheese... I mean, take down this big boi!
Tonight at 5pm PST
#ENVtuber #Vtuber #pokemonvioletandscarlet
#envtuber #vtuber #pokemonvioletandscarlet
hmmm… think my golduck just wanted to be involved #seperationanxiety #pokemon #pokemonviolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet
#seperationanxiety #pokemon #PokemonViolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet
Contra toda encuesta, lo he comprado en físico, pero hasta dentro de unos meses no lo tendré. No si si aguantaré y lo pillaré también en digital. #pokemom #PokémonViolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet
#pokemom #pokemonviolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet
Buenas tardes a todos galletitas ^^
Mirad lo que traigo hoy a la estantería de videojuegos.
No solo es mi primer Pokémon, sino que estoy enganchada ^^
¿Qué Pokémon inicial te llama la atención? Yo elegí a Springatito❤ ¿Qué tipo de Pokémons son tus favoritos?
Yo estoy enamorada de los tipo Hada, eléctricos y planta ❤
¿Qué opináis del juego? Déjame saber tu opinión ^^
No olvides darme 🔄 y muchas ✨.
Seamos entrenadores Pokémon juntos <3
T a g s
#pokemon #pokemons #pokemongames #PokémonViolet #PokémonVioleta #pokemonvioletandscarlet #PokémonPúrpura #pokemonpurura #Nintendo #nintendogames #nintendopower #NintendoSwitc #nintendoswitchlite #nintendo_switch #cozy #cozycore #cozyness #cozygames #cozyvideogames #videogames #videojuego #videojuegos #gamer #gamers #gameroom #gamergirl #gamerlife #gamernerd #gamergirls #pokemonday #chill #chillin #relax #aesthetic #PokemonScarletViolet #PokemonScarletandviolet #PokemonEscarletViolet #PokemonEscarlatayPurpura #pokemonescarlatavioleta
No te olvides de seguirme para más aventuras ^^✨🐘
#pokemon #pokemons #pokemongames #pokemonviolet #pokemonvioleta #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonpurpura #pokemonpurura #Nintendo #nintendogames #nintendopower #nintendoswitc #nintendoswitchlite #nintendo_switch #cozy #cozycore #cozyness #cozygames #cozyvideogames #videogames #videojuego #videojuegos #gamer #gamers #gameroom #gamergirl #gamerlife #gamernerd #gamergirls #pokemonday #chill #chillin #relax #aesthetic #PokemonScarletViolet #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonescarletviolet #pokemonescarlataypurpura #pokemonescarlatavioleta
Buenas tardes a todos galletitas ^^
Mirad lo que traigo hoy a la estantería de videojuegos.
No solo es mi primer Pokémon, sino que estoy enganchada ^^
¿Qué Pokémon inicial te llama la atención? Yo elegí a Springatito❤ ¿Qué tipo de Pokémons son tus favoritos?
Yo estoy enamorada de los tipo Hada, eléctricos y planta ❤
¿Qué opináis del juego? Déjame saber tu opinión ^^
No olvides darme 🔄 y muchas ✨.
Seamos entrenadores Pokémon juntos <3
T a g s
#pokemon #pokemons #pokemongames #PokémonViolet #PokémonVioleta #pokemonvioletandscarlet #PokémonPúrpura #pokemonpurura #Nintendo #nintendogames #nintendopower #NintendoSwitc #nintendoswitchlite #nintendo_switch #cozy #cozycore #cozyness #cozygames #cozyvideogames #videogames #videojuego #videojuegos #gamer #gamers #gameroom #gamergirl #gamerlife #gamernerd #gamergirls #pokemonday #chill #chillin #relax #aesthetic #PokemonScarletViolet #PokemonScarletandviolet #PokemonEscarletViolet #PokemonEscarlatayPurpura #pokemonescarlatavioleta
No te olvides de seguirme para más aventuras ^^✨🐘
#pokemon #pokemons #pokemongames #pokemonviolet #pokemonvioleta #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonpurpura #pokemonpurura #Nintendo #nintendogames #nintendopower #nintendoswitc #nintendoswitchlite #nintendo_switch #cozy #cozycore #cozyness #cozygames #cozyvideogames #videogames #videojuego #videojuegos #gamer #gamers #gameroom #gamergirl #gamerlife #gamernerd #gamergirls #pokemonday #chill #chillin #relax #aesthetic #PokemonScarletViolet #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonescarletviolet #pokemonescarlataypurpura #pokemonescarlatavioleta
@Kadoomed there's also #TwitchStreamer #TwitchStream #TwitchLive #TwitchGamer. if you like pokemon there is also #pokemon #PokemonViolet #PokemonScarlet #PokemonVioletAndScarlet #PokemonLegendsArcheus #PokemonCards #PokemonArt #PokemonPlush to get you started :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#twitchstreamer #twitchstream #twitchlive #twitchgamer #pokemon #pokemonviolet #pokemonscarlet #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonlegendsarcheus #pokemoncards #pokemonart #pokemonplush
Enjoying #pokemonvioletandscarlet so much. Yeah the graphics need work, and I am VERY critical of that. But I'm still having fun.
Buenos días!!!! Pasar muy buen día, vamos un ratito con Pokemon Escarlata a seguir está gran aventura. Son monísimos. Al Final me elegí a Fuecoco #pokemon #PokemonEspañita #PokémonEscarlata
#pokemonvioletandscarlet #PokemonEscarlataPurpura #pokemonespana #PokemonEscarletViolet #PokemonScarletViolet #PokemonScarlet
#pokemon #pokemonespanita #pokemonescarlata #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonescarlatapurpura #pokemonespana #pokemonescarletviolet #PokemonScarletViolet #PokemonScarlet
¿¡Cómo que EXAMEN!? 🤣
En fin, a ver qué tal sale...
#PokemonEspañita #Pokemon #game #IntegracionGaming #pokemonvioletandscarlet
#pokemonespanita #pokemon #game #integraciongaming #pokemonvioletandscarlet
Ya está aquí #pokemonvioletandscarlet y pues hacer un dibujito referente ,después lo pintarme que soy muy peresozo
Al parecer pokemon Escarlata/Púrpura tiene bugs, problemas de Rendimiento. Normal si esta basado en España. 😂😂 #pokemonespana #pokemon #PokemonScarlet #PokémonViolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet #PokemonEscarlataPurpura #PokémonEscarlata #PokémonPúrpura
#pokemonespana #pokemon #PokemonScarlet #pokemonviolet #pokemonvioletandscarlet #pokemonescarlatapurpura #pokemonescarlata #pokemonpurpura
Ok let's do this😍 I won't be uploading any of the in game screenshots as I didn't want to spoil it for people. The game is pretty fun so far there are some technical issues graphically but I am sure they are working on a patch for it :) I am enjoying the gameplay a lot :) #pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #switch #nintendo
#pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #switch #nintendo
Ok let's do this😍 I won't be uploading any of the in game screenshots as I didn't want to spoil it for people. The fame is pretty fun so far there are some technical issues graphically but I am sure they are working on a patch for it :) I am enjoying the gameplay a lot :) #pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #switch #nintendo
#pokemon #pokemonvioletandscarlet #switch #nintendo