Poker face, is an utterly superb TV show!
(That's it, that's the toot!)
#PokerFace #PokerFaceTVShow #NatashaLyonne #peacock #scriptwriters #Writing #television
#pokerface #pokerfacetvshow #natashalyonne #peacock #scriptwriters #writing #television
Can we talk about how useless in the real world Charlie’s superpower in #PokerFaceTVShow would be?
She would suffer from alert fatigue and then learn to tune it out.
A more useful superpower is telling when someone is being truthful because everyone fucking lies all the time.
Now that #Columbo has been, essentially, rebooted as #PokerFaceTVShow , it’s time to consider rebooting #TheRockfordFiles.
It could be relevant to today: pardoned/exonerated ex-con PI living quasi-legally in a trailer in a parking lot by the beach. A blue collar guy in a world that’s changed while he was inside.
You can change gender, change racial background, change the coastal location, change whatever else is needed to help the writers room connect their own experience to it… 1/2
#columbo #pokerfacetvshow #TheRockfordFiles
#EllenBarkin is magnificent in #PokerFaceTVShow. Please get her a role as a big bad someone on #CallTheMidwife immediately.
#ellenbarkin #pokerfacetvshow #callthemidwife
“I just want you to know, Spooky and the Cop made me choose a career in law enforcement.”
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that.”
Watching #PokerFaceTVShow & very much enjoying it.
Rian Johnson has a very interesting way directing crime stuff & Natasha Lyonne does brilliant Colombo style mannerisms.
Do recommend.
Natasha Lyonne is a brilliant actress. Just go and watch Poker face. Genius and witty dialogue delivery at its best.
#natashalyonne #pokerfacetvshow