#Earthquake (#भूकम्प) M4.1 strikes 103 km NW of #Pokhara (#Nepal) 13 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1546610
#earthquake #भूकमप #pokhara #nepal
#Earthquake (#भूकम्प) M4.0 strikes 18 km N of #Pokhara (#Nepal) 20 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1530363
#earthquake #भूकमप #pokhara #nepal
Ouch. Vorab-Report zur abgestürzten ATR72 in #Pokhara ist raus. Offenbar hat der PM beim Landeanflug statt Flaps zu setzen die Propeller in Feathered gestellt, also quasi auf Leerlauf. Die Hebel für Flaps und Condition liegen dicht beieinander, Feathering ist etwa auf Höhe von Flaps 30. Allerdings zwei statt einem Hebel und deutlich andere Griffe.
To find out more about our partnership recently signed with Gandaki University, #Pokhara, Nepal, do read our latest blog at https://ict4d.org.uk/2023/02/07/new-partnership-agreement-with-gandaki-university-pokhara-nepal/ - we look forward to working with many colleagues there in the years ahead
#Aerotelegraph - Nutzlastprobleme: Ist der neue Flughafen Pokhara eine totale Fehlplanung? - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/ist-der-neue-flughafen-pokhara-eine-totale-fehlplanung #yeti_airlines #Flughäfen #pokhara #nepal
#Aerotelegraph #yeti_airlines #flughafen #pokhara #nepal
#Aerotelegraph - Absturz in Nepal: Trägt die Luftfahrtbehörde Nepals eine Mitschuld am Absturz? - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/traegt-die-luftfahrtbehoerde-nepals-eine-mitschuld-absturz-yeti-airlines-yt691 #yeti_airlines #Sicherheit #pokhara #atr72 #nepal #yt691
#Aerotelegraph #yeti_airlines #sicherheit #pokhara #atr72 #nepal #yt691
RT @AnmolAlphonso
#Thread: At least 68 people were killed on Jan 15, 2023 when Yeti Airlines flight crashed in #Pokhara, #Nepal. Pokhara is Nepal's second largest city which falls under the Annapurna mountain range and is the most popular tourist routes. (1/n) #BOOMVerified #NepalPlaneCrashVideo
#thread #pokhara #nepal #boomverified #nepalplanecrashvideo
VIDEO: 🇳🇵 Families of Nepal plane crash victims await release of bodies Rescue workers scoured a ravine on Monday for three missing bodies from the wreckage of a plane that crashed with 72 people on board, with hopes of any survivors now "nil", according to authorities #Pokhara
✈️ Pokud jste viděli video pádu letadla (#Pokhara, #Nepál 15. ledna 2023) natočené cestujícím uvnitř letadla a vysílané na FB živě -
- pak vězte, že je to sakra autentické video 😰 ‼️ Nikdo nepřežil....
Zde jsem zmapoval poslední okamžiky tragédie.
⚠️ Odkaz na video na YouTube – pozor, drastický obsah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mu1bru4Sf
#Aerotelegraph - Absturz in Nepal: Was über Unglücksflug YT691 bekannt ist - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/absturz-atr-72-nepal-pokhara-yeti-airlines-was-ueber-ungluecksflug-yt691-bekannt-ist #yeti_airlines #Sicherheit #pokhara #Video #nepal #yt691
#Aerotelegraph #yeti_airlines #sicherheit #pokhara #video #nepal #yt691
#Aerotelegraph - Absturz in Nepal: Die tragische Geschichte der Kopilotin der ATR 72 von Yeti Airlines - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/die-tragische-geschichte-der-kopilotin-der-atr-72-von-yeti-airlines #yeti_airlines #Sicherheit #pokhara #nepal #yt691
#Aerotelegraph #yeti_airlines #sicherheit #pokhara #nepal #yt691
Écrasement d’un ATR 72-500 de la compagnie népalaise Yeti Airlines à Pokhara 🇳🇵
#aviation #Avgeek #nepal #pokhara #yetiairlines
🚨A queda de um avião bimotor no oeste de #Pokhara, no #Nepal, deixou ao menos 68 mortos neste domingo (15/1), de acordo com a autoridade de aviação civil do país. O voo tinha 72 pessoas a bordo e havia decolado de #Katmandu
#pokhara #nepal #katmandu #bolhaus_news
44 people recovered so far:
42 death
2 critically injured, hospitalized
Source: Guru Dutta Baral
(Deputy Chief District Officer of Kaski)
#pokhara #nepal #yetiairlines #planecrash
#PlaneCrash > At least 42 people were killed on Sunday when a domestic flight crashed in #Pokhara in #Nepal, an aviation authority official said.
There were 68 passengers & 4 crew members on board
#Aerotelegraph - Pokhara : Tote bei Absturz einer ATR 72 von Yeti Airlines in Nepal - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/tote-bei-absturz-einer-atr-72-von-yeti-airlines-in-nepal #Sicherheit #abstrurz #pokhara #atr_72 #nepal
#Aerotelegraph #sicherheit #abstrurz #pokhara #atr_72 #nepal
An #ATR_72 passenger #plane #crashed in #Nepal with 72 people on board. A massive #fire broke out at the crash site.
ATR 72 of #Yeti_Airlines crashed on the runway of #Pokhara International Airport. Data on victims and victims is not yet available.
UPD: At least 32 people died in a passenger plane crash in Nepal.
#atr_72 #plane #crashed #nepal #fire #yeti_airlines #pokhara
#Earthquake (#भूकम्प) M3.7 strikes 89 km W of #Pokhara (#Nepal) 23 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1204332
#earthquake #भूकमप #pokhara #nepal
#Earthquake (#भूकम्प) M4.6 strikes 113 km NW of #Pokhara (#Nepal) 1hr 25min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1202895
#earthquake #भूकमप #pokhara #nepal