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We're #PolarRES an exciting research project which will explore the future of the polar climate with funding from the EU's #HorizonEurope research program.
You can find out more about our work on our website: https://polarres.eu/
Follow us for more information about #ClimateResearch in the #PolarRegions
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#Antarctic #arctic #polar #polarregions #Climateresearch #horizoneurope #PolarRES
My kind of thread: although I study #glaciers + #icesheets + the #atmosphere in the #PolarRegions, I've always been delighted and fascinated by the #plantlife.
This is a promising start to 2023 by @snowman
Ht @IngolfKuehn
#plantlife #polarregions #atmosphere #IceSheets #glaciers
Great idea from @purplequeennl
"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."
#historicalfiction #art #beinginnature #outdoors #penguins #polarregions
@mustapipa Kiitos kirjoituksestasi, ja toivottavasti sinulla on antoisaa matkaa.
Olen tÀÀllÀ hetkellÀ Turun yliopistossa, ja minun työnantajat ja kollega ovat lÀhdössÀ Chileen muutaman kk pÀÀstÀ. Pari jatkaa Antarktikaan kerÀÀmÀÀn kasveja. Projekti on #ClimateChange Driven #Microbiomes and Adaptive Radiation of Plants in the #PolarRegions". https://sites.utu.fi/helandersaikkonenlab/fi/ilmastonmuutoksen-vaikutukset-lajien-levinneisyysalueisiin/
#polarregions #Microbiomes #climatechange
Global #ice loss accelerating at record rate, study finds | #Environment | The Guardian
#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #SeaIce #SeaLevel #Glaciers #PolarRegions
#ice #environment #globalwarming #climatechange #seaice #sealevel #glaciers #polarregions