Osobom, które myślą o odwiedzeniu #Polesia, przypominamy, że w tutejszym powietrzu jest tylko niecałe 21% tlenu, a za to prawie 1% argonu. Uważajcie na siebie.
Nature fights back. This fish pond is still operational, but even larger ponds nearby have become part of a national park and it's almost impossible to discern their anthropogenic origin.
This free range cow probably decided it's time to get milked and didn't wait for its owner to take it home.
Not many of those left – a cobblestone road in rural Eastern Poland.
Not many of those left – a cobblestone road in rural Eastern Poland.
In Poland Canadian goldenrod is an invasive species, quashing local plants, and it covers more and more wetland meadows in my area. But it's beautiful.
#bloomscrolling #doomscrolling #wetlands #polesia
Jak wszystko dobrze pójdzie to już za niedługo ruszy eksperymentalny kbin poświęcony polskiej części Polesia. Celem jest wzmocnienie współpracy lokalnych społeczności, ale dla osób z zewnątrz też pewnie znajdzie się coś ciekawego.
Sometimes when the 2023 photograph you take turns out to be blurry you can boost colours a bit and tell people it's an 1883 oil painting. But only if the subject is plausible.
"The race to save #Polesia, Europe's secret Amazon.
A proposed waterway linking the Black Sea and the Baltic has sparked fears of catastrophic biodiversity loss – and raised the spectre of #Chernobyl
The old, sturdy power pole, bravely providing electricity to our home despite the storms. Living at the end of the line means we're the last to get fixed when strong winds damage transmission lines. It's living on the edge, until we can afford a photovoltaic installation.
Crab or chicken? Laetiporus sulphureus, unfortunately too old to eat.
We finally had some rain in the night. Getting to work is more exciting now.
#ruralroads #polesia #wetlands
To jump in or not to jump in.
We stumbled upon a monument of a dog on our walk through wetland meadows and forests today. She must have been famous for something, but we don't know what.
A small ditch in the #wetlands. Now trying to confirm what I heard – that this used to be a small river, Mietułka, which formed the border between Poland and Lithuania a couple of centuries ago. Now just a ditch.