Una gran parte del debate sobre la abolición de la policía se refiere a las respuestas no policiales a la delincuencia violenta, pero la mayor parte del trabajo policial no está relacionado con la delincuencia violenta. La mayor parte, tal vez todo, es de naturaleza económica – diseñado para evitar que los trabajadores utilicen la propiedad productiva para satisfacer sus propias necesidades directamente – para mantener los bienes comunes cerrados. Este trabajo significa que la policía está inextricablemente integrada en la economía de maneras sorprendentes que en gran medida no se discuten en el contexto de la abolición, lo que desencadenaría cambios monumentales, casi inimaginables en la forma en que nosotros, como sociedad, satisfacemos nuestras necesidades humanas a través del trabajo. Es probable que el fin de la policía signifique el fin del capitalismo, lo que sugiere que no será fácil de conseguir dada la magnitud de lo que está en juego.
#Anarchism #Anarchy #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #Anarquismo #Abolición
#anarchism #anarchy #Abolition #policeabolition #anarquismo #abolicion
Our new police abolition essay "Kick the Cops off Your Block" is now available on substack. This essay gives an analysis of the police, many alternatives to the police, and ways to get to a world without hierarchical security forces and what they enforce
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis
#directaction #mutualaid #mediation
#restorativejustice #selfdefense #mediation #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #Abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis #directaction #MutualAid #mediation #transformativejustice #restorativejustice #selfdefense #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
Even if abolitionists came up with pragmatic and convincing answers to every possible question about handling violence without police, and I have no doubt that they can, will, and mostly already have done so, they’ll never convince anyone that capitalism can survive abolition. It cannot. I don’t know how to get rid of the police – if I did they’d already be gone. But I think the stakes are too high, the very survival of capitalism itself, for the police to be abolished because the arguments are sound, because it’s the right thing to do, because enough people want it to happen. Abolition will be a revolution. It will take a revolution to make it happen.
#Anarchy #Anarchism #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #TheAnarchistLibrary #ACAB
#anarchy #anarchism #Abolition #policeabolition #theanarchistlibrary #acab
A great deal of discussion about police abolition concerns non-police responses to violent crime, but most police work is unrelated to violent crime. Most, maybe all, of this is economic in nature – designed to keep working people from using productive property to meet their own needs directly – to keep the commons enclosed. This work means the police are inextricably integrated into the economy in surprising ways that are largely undiscussed in the context of abolition, which would trigger monumental, almost unimaginable changes in how we as a society meet our human needs through work. It’s likely that the end of policing would mean the end of capitalism, which suggests that it won’t be easy to achieve given the magnitude of what’s at stake.
#Abolition #PoliceAbolition #Capitalism #Police #ACAB #LosAngeles #Anarchy #Anarchism #Enclosure #Commons #Landlords #TenantsRights #Squatting
#Abolition #policeabolition #capitalism #police #acab #losangeles #anarchy #anarchism #enclosure #commons #landlords #tenantsrights #squatting
What might a society without police look like? For some, the idea of #policeabolition evokes a vision of danger, anarchy and chaos - but for heavily-policed communities subject to high rates of #incarceration, it's a #survival imperative.
#police #abolition #policeabolition #incarceration #survival
A lot of people would probably say that we “need” some sort of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). In the US, the DMV manages the critical process of licensing people to operate motor vehicles on American roadways.
Considering that there are nearly 300 million cars and over 4 million miles of road, it’s very important that we have some kind of minimum standard of skill and ability to keep all those people safe as they hurtle their multi-ton boxes of metal, plastic, and glass at high rates of speed in very close proximity to each other and people walking or cycling.
Even with the DMV managing this process, 46,000 Americans still die each year from traffic collisions. So you can only imagine how bad it would be if there were no DMV!
Now let’s imagine that we were to discover that, in addition to licensing drivers, employees of the DMV were, in their official capacity, routinely killing people and stealing millions of dollars from them each year. Let’s imagine we discovered one DMV was rife with gangs that commit serial murder and another had set up a torture chamber where DMV employers spent years torturing DMV patrons.
Might you wonder what’s going on with the DMV?
#police #policeviolence #policeabolition #acab
The police are abusive and murderous; they daily use violence to preserve an unjust status quo.
And sometimes, sort of as a side note, they respond to abuses by non-police, usually when the victims are important to them and the perpetrators lack power.
When I advocate police abolition, people will often respond “but what’s the alternative?” as if the police meaningfully provide a service that we’d need to provide some other way in their absence.
The Nazi state also kept “order” of a sort in the territories they ruled. The Nazis fielded police who committed abuses and murders and atrocities and used violence to uphold an unconscionable status quo.
And sometimes, sort of as a side note, they responded to what we might colloquially think of as “normal crimes.” Murders. Robberies. That sort of thing.
The world didn’t need Nazi police to address those crimes. At no point should the world have stopped and asked “but what’s the alternative?”
Heyooo this is my #intro post pls boost
i'm a multiply #disabled #Autistic white #trans #lesbian living in the so-called uk (specifically on the island of #Britain), I'm Bargee, I live nomadically on a #narrowboat which I mostly successfully maintain myself. Interested in #RightToRepair and #repair more generally. A factor of the way autism manifests for me is hyperlexia (verbose speech, obsessive about choosing the exact right word, obsessed with learning new words and ways of speaking), this means my writing comes out really formal; read it as a class thing if you want but I'm working class, no now or future inherited wealth, no access to managerial or corporate power, lived paycheck to paycheck my whole adult life.
Politically speaking i'm into #greenanarchy, I love the #iww, i'm here for #familyAbolition and #policeabolition, #transformativejustice and #prisonabolition. I want an end to all colonial rule, capital, states, nations, borders and capital. In terms of the island I am on I am here for the end to the English occupation of the six northern counties in Ireland, the end of English rule/occupation/power in Scotland and Wales, and the end to all English overseas domination in all forms perpetrated under the flag of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm pessimistic about technology and I think it and legislation can't solve social problems.
I mostly post about disability justice, #CovidIsNotOver, queerness, transness, #ukpol, anarchism and anticapitalism.
I'm a linux user, obviously, and a #foss advocate.
I'll make a separate pinned post with a cw for sexy. Flirts welcome if you're a dyke, don't think covid is over and still mask up (or disability precludes you masking), and if you're like, older than mid twenties (i'm in my thirties). CIS AND TRANS MEN NO FLIRTING, THIS IS IN CAPS BECAUSE YOUR PEOPLE SEEM INCAPABLE OF READING COMPREHENSION.
To People of Colour: I collect my cousins, particularly white trans/disabled girls and autistics. If someone is doing a racism from an instance mine is federated with and you want collection please let me know. If I see this myself I do my best to not need asking. Being gracious and grateful when receiving criticism and asks for accountability or change in my behaviour is important to me and I do not expect your tone to be a certain way for me to hear it, and I am grateful for any time you take a chance on me and do me the generosity of feedback. I understand that feedback does not have to be complete and that a gift of feedback does not obligate the giver to provide further explanation/education/contact. I understand what diunital thinking is and do my best to employ it. I can usually keep my temper and own feelings in check when collecting and recuse myself when they get in the way of constructive action. I have no qualms with conflict, upsetting people and being "mean" where necessary, however. This paragraph is here for your informed consent and does not obligate you to like or trust me or interact with me.
A note on language: I use nondisabled, disablis(t/m) to honour the disability activists I have known and organised with in Britain, over the more common americanisms abled, ablis(t/m) but I don't care what anyone else uses. I use C(oercively)AFAB and CAMAB over AFAB/AMAB and if you're TME I think you should do the same. I don't really mind what language other trans women and TMA people use but I would encourage you to look into the terf historical useage of FAB (female at birth) and the transmasc transmisogynist useage of AFABulous, as well as to think about how CAMAB both decenters our ASAB and centers the violent upholding of cisgenderism, and think about whether this might be a useful lingustic distinction for you. But I'm not the boss of you, do what feels important/right to you.
#intro #disabled #autistic #trans #lesbian #britain #Narrowboat #RightToRepair #repair #greenanarchy #IWW #familyAbolition #policeabolition #transformativejustice #prisonabolition #CovidIsNotOver #ukpol #FOSS
@Nemo je dirais pas "bonnes", plutôt "alternatives pour améliorer leur condition de travail". La seule bonne réforme de la police c'est son abolition. #police #acab #1312acab #defundthepolice #policeabolition #abolirlapolice
#police #acab #1312acab #defundthepolice #policeabolition #abolirlapolice
For contemplative and practical purposes, we need worldviews and theories that have explanatory power, that trace causes, effects, forms, functions, contents, qualities, and relations of various institutions. Different institutions enable and constrain different activities and practices. If specific institutions and kinds of institutions are proven to be ethically unjustified, they should be dismantled and replaced by what are at least good-enough institutions and relations. One such institution to analyze and critique is the police. The existence of the police is often taken for granted rather than properly scrutinized. Whether one is operating from a place of wanting to defend good rights, and/or to do good duties, and/or to achieve good consequences, and/or to develop a virtuous society, etc., a well informed person would want to abolish the police. The critique of the police that we put forward touches upon universal features that police forces have to have in order for them to be police forces. The arguments we give later on in this paper will categorically critique police, other state security forces, as well as other hierarchical security forces more broadly. A coherent categorical critique of police needs to reason about and critique the essential unjust forms/qualities/functions of police and statecraft and other entangled hierarchies.
#anarchism #anarchy #socialism #communism #police #policeabolition #abolition
#anarchism #anarchy #socialism #communism #police #policeabolition #Abolition
Think of a little piece of land, ten feet on a side. What could you do with that? Live on it, for one thing, with no need to pay anyone, landlord, bank, or government, for the privilege. Unfettered access to even a small piece of land can immediately double your income or allow you to work half as much. ... You could conduct all kinds of economic activities, support yourself and maybe your family. Make your contribution to the dazzling, intricate, miraculous informal economic life of Los Angeles without risking everything by breaking laws ... What if a whole community had unfettered access to a bigger piece of land? What could they do with that?
#LosAngeles #LA #LAPD #Anarchism #AnarchismAndTheBlackRevolution #LorenzoKomboaErvin #MunicipalPolitics #LocalPolitics #Capitalism #TheRulingClass #PoliceAbolition #Abolition
#losangeles #la #lapd #anarchism #anarchismandtheblackrevolution #LorenzoKomboaErvin #municipalpolitics #localpolitics #capitalism #therulingclass #policeabolition #Abolition
R/T digitalurn@bird.makeup
Hi everyone, in a month we'll be gathering at Echo Park Lake for the 5 year anniversary of my sister Mely's murder at the hands of the LAPD. We'll be reminiscing about who Mely was while continuing to cal for justice. There'll be music and special guests and food! Come through!!!
#LosAngeles #LA #LAPD #ACAB #MelyCorado #AlbertCorado #Abolition #PoliceAbolition
#losangeles #la #lapd #acab #melycorado #albertcorado #Abolition #policeabolition
R/T @sh4keer
Bring the kiddos in your life to this @stoplapdspying hang this Saturday
#LosAngeles #LA #StopLAPDSpying #LAPD #Abolition #PoliceAbolition
#losangeles #la #stoplapdspying #lapd #Abolition #policeabolition
R/T defendatlforest@bird.makeup
The repression is symbolic.
None of the charges will stick.
Locals are not afraid, we are more determined than ever.
Be determined with us.
June 24-July 1
#ATL #Atlanta #DefendTheForest #DefendATLForest #Abolition #PoliceAbolition
#atl #atlanta #DefendTheForest #defendatlforest #Abolition #policeabolition
R/T filmthepolicela@bird.makeup
I’ve put a lot of work into training these animals.
They’re finally obeying without a fight.
#LosAngeles #LA #FilmThePolice #FilmThePoliceLA #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #WilliamGude #ACAB #MountedPolice #HorseShit
#losangeles #la #FilmThePolice #filmthepolicela #Abolition #policeabolition #williamgude #acab #mountedpolice #horseshit
R/T la_studentsdsrv@bird.makeup
Join us in a student-led action to DEMAND that the School Board VOTE YES ✅ on our resolution to push @lausdsup to implement community-based safe passage programs WITHOUT police! ❌🚔
Tuesday, June 13th at 2pm in front of LAUSD Headquarters: 333 S Beaudry! 📢 #PoliceFreeLAUSD #FundBlackFutures #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #Abolition #ACAB #LAUSD #LA #LASP #LosAngeles #LosAngelesSchoolPolice #Police
#policefreelausd #FundBlackFutures #Abolition #policeabolition #acab #lausd #la #lasp #losangeles #losangelesschoolpolice #police
R/T filmthepolicela@bird.makeup
1:42 PM: There’s always that new cop that pulls next to me and does this dumb stare down.
They really think they scare people with this crap. Let’s see how this works out for you.
#LosAngeles #LA #LAPD #ACAB #FilmThePolice #Police #PoliceAbolition #Abolition #FilmThePolice
#losangeles #la #lapd #acab #FilmThePolice #police #policeabolition #Abolition
"A coherent approach to abolishing police and prisons leads to other issues very quickly: a problem of the state as such, a problem of any kind of state security force by extension, the problem of the state being related to and infused with other kinds of hierarchies (such as but not limited to enforcement of capitalism, and racist and patriarchal divisions of power and labor within political and economic hierarchies, empire, colonization, etc.), the necessity of developing self-managed organizations as alternatives to hierarchical organizations, the necessity of aiming towards a self-managed political/economic/social world, the necessity of meeting needs of people along the way, the necessity of mutual aid and direct action to meet short term, mid term, and long term needs of people, the necessity of groups uniting and federating for common goals, the necessity of developing a plurality of good-enough ways of dealing with disputes and harms, and ultimately the necessity of social revolution etc. All of a sudden social revolution for and through self-management and against hierarchy becomes crucial to what may at first seem like one much more simple issue. Abolishing not just the police but essential policing functions is something not on the table for states to do; states require some kind of violent enforcement agency to enforce class rule (within and beyond the context of capitalism)."
#anarchism #anarchy #acab #policeabolition #police
The police can't be constrained by laws or rules any more than demons can be constrained by chalk pentagrams. That either project seems remotely plausible is the result of relentlessly effective propaganda. Of course they want to be thrown into that briar patch.
#Abolition #PoliceAbolition #ChalkPentagrams #Demonology #RuleOfLaw #BriarPatch
#Abolition #policeabolition #chalkpentagrams #demonology #ruleoflaw #briarpatch
An interesting article from Jon Peltz in knock.la interviewing a former LAPD internal affairs officer who has been verbally attacked by the lead counsel of the local cop union LAPPL. They're all cops and they're all lying but there's some interesting behind the scenes dirt that's very rare to hear from cops about each other. Take it for what it's worth of course.
#KnockLA #JonPeltz #LAPD #LA #LAPPL #LosAngeles #LosAngelesPoliceProtectiveLeague #Abolition #ACAB #PoliceAbolition
#knockla #jonpeltz #lapd #la #lappl #losangeles #losangelespoliceprotectiveleague #Abolition #acab #policeabolition