Video released Thursday in the police killing of #NajeeSeabrooks , a 31-year-old violence intervention activist, who was fatally shot in Paterson, N.J., during a mental health crisis.
many advocates they raise even more questions about why lethal force was used at all. For others, it also substantiates what they already knew: Seabrooks should still be alive. #PoliceAbuseOfPower #PoliceAccoutability #PoliceKilling
#najeeseabrooks #policeabuseofpower #policeaccoutability #policekilling
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #PoliceAbuseOfPower
I know a lot of police officers who are on the force to do the right thing to protect people. But how can you deny this pattern, this disturbing pattern, Alton Sterling, Mr. Castile in my own community, Philando Castile, but then Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland?
- Keith Ellison
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #policeabuseofpower
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #PoliceAbuseOfPower
When the culture of police departments is sometimes infused with bias or preconceived ideas against certain groups, there needs to be reform and retraining throughout. And unfortunately, we cannot rely on local departments to police themselves; we need intervention from the top.
- Al Sharpton
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #policeabuseofpower
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #PoliceAbuseOfPower
When it comes to police officers, I have concerns about the training that they receive. This whole notion of implicit bias, looking at people and having stereotypical reactions to them on the basis of their ethnicity.
- Eric Holder
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #policeabuseofpower
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #PoliceAbuseOfPower
There's a lot of things that need to change. One specifically? Police brutality.
- Colin Kaepernick
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #policeabuseofpower