Video released Thursday in the police killing of #NajeeSeabrooks , a 31-year-old violence intervention activist, who was fatally shot in Paterson, N.J., during a mental health crisis.
many advocates they raise even more questions about why lethal force was used at all. For others, it also substantiates what they already knew: Seabrooks should still be alive. #PoliceAbuseOfPower #PoliceAccoutability #PoliceKilling
#najeeseabrooks #policeabuseofpower #policeaccoutability #policekilling
If you ever hear a police officer scream "Drop the gun" at you, no matter if you're holding a gun or not, you are just about to be murdered with impunity.
#PoliceAccoutability #LawEnforcment #NeverTrustAPoliceOffice #Police
#Police #nevertrustapoliceoffice #lawenforcment #policeaccoutability
Sarah Huckster Bee. 4 years of always the wrong answer.
Because the answer to protests of police criminal behavior and murder is of course... more police.
#policeaccoutability #policeabuses
Uniformed police officers should be well groomed and have no facial hair or visible tattoos. Discuss. #police #PoliceAccoutability
#NYPD beating a middle schooler. #PoliceAccoutability #PoliceBrutality #law #lawfedi #CriminalJustice
#nypd #policeaccoutability #policebrutality #law #lawfedi #criminaljustice
Police dismissed Black leaders’ claims of a serial killer. Then a woman escaped. #Missouri #PoliceReform #PoliceAccoutability
#missouri #policereform #policeaccoutability