“Abolitionism challenges us to question the myths and preconceptions we grow up with in a society with policing. It challenges us to think of ways to deal with harm and keeping each other safe without involving more violence.”
Interesting read on #abolition by @abolisyonista
#philippines #police #PoliceKillings
#abolition #philippines #police #policekillings
Four Times More People Killed in 'Police Action' Under Adityanath Than Akhilesh Yadav
From the period 2017-18 to 2021-2022, Adityanath's first term, 162 persons were killed in "police action", while 41 persons were killed in that way from 2012 to 2017.
#UttarPradesh #AjayBisht #YogiAdityanath #AkhileshYadav #UPPolice #encounters #PoliceKillings #crime #BJP #UPAssembly #india
#uttarpradesh #ajaybisht #yogiadityanath #AkhileshYadav #uppolice #encounters #policekillings #crime #BJP #upassembly #india
#Israeli court acquits officer over killing of #autistic #Palestinian man
Shooting of #IyadHalak in #Jerusalem in 2020 drew comparisons to #PoliceKillings in US
#Palestine #Israel
#israel #palestine #policekillings #jerusalem #iyadhalak #palestinian #autistic #israeli
I didn't donate blood in #NYC but I did give a talk on Tuesday at the #NewmarkJSchool’s #UncoveringJusticeStories workshop--on the #PoliceKillings of Army Cpl #RomanDucksworth, Jr. in #Talorsville, #Mississippi in 1962 and #JohnWesleyWilder in #Ruston, #Louisiana in 1965.
New reporting on the Wilder case coming soon. Links to my reporting on Ducksworth at NPR and Frontline here: https://linktr.ee/bengreenberg
#nyc #newmarkjschool #uncoveringjusticestories #policekillings #romanducksworth #talorsville #mississippi #johnwesleywilder #ruston #Louisiana #journalism #cuny #racistviolence #policebrutality
A "meaningful fraction" of homicides in the US are committed by the police--about 5% or 1 death in 20. The number of people who die in mass shootings is smaller than the number killed by police. #policekillings #police #homicides
#policekillings #police #homicides
#PoliceKillings of nonviolent people continue, and little seems to change in our policies.
#PoliceKillings of nonviolent people continue, and little seems to change in our policies.
Saw the headline "president takes aim at two big killers of Americans", imagine my surprise when neither is:
Police Shootings
#CovidIsNotOver #policekillings
Ohio man dies after being shot by police as he was cleaning out late grandmother's apartment https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-man-dies-shot-police-was-cleaning-late-grandmothers-apartment-rcna68649 The police are saying he tried to ram their vehicle and fired 4 shots ect. His sister, Shonda Coleman, disputes the police. She told the station: “I didn’t hear none of that. I didn’t hear no commands. All I heard is pop, pop, pop, pop. Like, it was, like, 10 rounds #PoliceShooting #PoliceViolence #PoliceKillings
#policeshooting #policeviolence #policekillings
Ahead of #TyreNichols funeral, police bodycam video is a broken promise https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/ahead-tyre-nichols-funeral-police-bodycam-video-broken-promise-rcna68464 #BLM #PoliceBrutality #PoliceKillings #PoliceShootings
#tyrenichols #blm #policebrutality #policekillings #policeshootings
Never know what’s you’ll discover when you take the back alley. Thought it was poignant considering the bad new these last few days. #Seattle #capitalhill #urbanhike #downtownseattle #PNW #PoliceReform #PoliceKillings
#seattle #capitalhill #urbanhike #downtownseattle #pnw #policereform #policekillings
This is 100% true. I recently sat as jury foreman during a police shooting trial.
Every. Single. Aspect of policing boils down to whether the officer has “tactical control” of the situation. It doesn’t matter if there is an actual threat. It only matters if the officer THINKS THERE COULD BE A THREAT. They don’t need affirmative evidence of a threat, just the ability to dream one up.
All they need to say, in open court, is “I have no way to know what the person was going to do next, and my job is to protect the public.” Murder whoever you like, and repeat the mantra above.
The police testimony also included the fact that Tasers are useless. They fail so often that you must use a gun.
Physical combat is also not allowed (despite officers receiving training like Krav Maga) - nope, you just say “they might have a gun!” All money well spent.
Why not shoot just someone in the leg? Not reliable enough and too risky. Police are trained to shoot to “center of mass”, a wonderful euphemism for “shoot to kill”. Anything less than that, and you can testify in court how you worry you weren’t going to see your wife and kids that night.
Every common sense question has a loophole. The cop gets to place themselves in any frame of mind they like. And every law is structured to protect them.
It’s a fucking joke.
#ACAB #PoliceKillings #PoliceReform
From: @Adam_Cadmon1
#acab #policekillings #policereform
This is your Friday reminder that News outlet can opt out of publishing that the Chief of Police brought up the supposed rap sheet of a victim of police shooting. And they can also choose to not publish the details of said alleged rap sheet- but they are a bunch of corrupt unethical bought out boot lickers. #news #BlackLivesMatter #policekillings #keenananderson
#news #BlackLivesMatter #policekillings #keenananderson
Tyre D. Nichols, a Black man died after a traffic stop by Memphis TN undercover cops beat him to death. He ran believing it was a carjacking bec a few had happened in the area by ppl posing as police. Accountability doesn't happen nor will it stop racist cops believing they have immunity from killing Black people. There is an answer but I won't say on a public forum. #policekillings #MemphisTN
A preliminary report finds police killed over 1,100 people last year, the most killings in any year in the past decade.
#policekillings #copskill #policing #acab #ftp
2022 Police Killings in the US
#policebrutality #policekillings #policereform #policeaccountability
Police killed at least 1,054 people through November 27, 2022. Police are killing people at higher rates in 2022 than *any year on record* in the United States.
#policeaccountability #policereform #policekillings #policebrutality
#PoliceKillings (as killings in general) are less common in #Europe, but they happen. Good that #PublicBroadcasting covers it, esp. in a racial context. Else, given the outcry here about #GeorgeFloyd etc. in the US, the hypocrisy would be too deafening: https://www1-wdr-de.translate.goog/nachrichten/ruhrgebiet/neue-erkenntnisse-mouhamed-nicht-gewarnt-100.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en
#policekillings #europe #publicbroadcasting #GeorgeFloyd
டிச. 1 சிறுபான்மை மக்கள் மீதான தாக்குதல்களுக்கு எதிராகப் போராட்டம் - தோழர் @SitaramYechury@twitter.com #CPIM #ModiGovt #DemocracyKills #IndianConstitution #HumanRights #Lynching #PoliceKillings #FalseArrests #MobViolence #UAPA #StopVoilenceAgainstMinorities
#DemocracyKills #lynching #falsearrests #uapa #StopVoilenceAgainstMinorities #Modigovt #cpim #IndianConstitution #humanrights #policekillings #mobviolence
Derek Chauvin found guilty of George Floyd’s murder
Derek Chauvin has been convicted of murder for killing George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes, a crime that prompted waves of protests in support of racial justice in the US and across the world.
The jury swiftly and unanimously convicted Chauvin of all the charges he faced – second- and third-degree murder, and manslaughter – after concluding that the white former Minneapolis police officer killed the 46-year-old Black man in May through a criminal assault, by pinning him to the ground so he could not breathe.
#GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #DerekChauvin #PoliceBrutality #PoliceKillings #Minneapolis
#GeorgeFloyd #blacklivesmatter #DerekChauvin #policebrutality #policekillings #minneapolis
Louisville police officers cleared of criminal charges in Breonna Taylor death
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (Reuters) - Two white policemen who fired into the apartment of Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker, will not be prosecuted for her death because their use of force was justified, but a third was charged with endangering her neighbors, Kentucky’s attorney general said on Wednesday.
Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced the Louisville grand jury’s decision at a news conference as protesters against racial injustice and police brutality massed in the streets of Kentucky’s largest city. ...
#BreonnaTaylor #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceKillings #Louisville
#BreonnaTaylor #blm #blacklivesmatter #policekillings #louisville