Poorly educated cop with super big ego again. A totally innocent citizen was detained and handcuffed for absolutely no reason. She even admitted that she had no reasonable suspicion in the video. What an idiot. π
This case is about trespassing, police IDing, detention, Fourth Amendment,.. and a Cheese Burger. π
American police are far right wingers working for the far right industries. America is on the brink of turning into a far right Nazi state.
How many mentally unstable cops do we have in our police force? You don't treat a normal confused citizen who just committed a traffic violation as if they are some criminals. Isn't it time to check all police officers for potential mental and/or psychological issues. Mentally unstable cops are dangerous to normal citizens who they are supposed to protect, not abuse.
This insane cop in Florida will make you sick.
Two people walking around filming, which is the freedom of press protected by our First Amendment, got detained and hand cuffed because the police officer "wanted to".
During the entire encounter, the police officer refused to identify himself and refused to tell the detainees whether they were detained and the reasons for detaining them. The detention was obviously unlawful.
The mayor of a county in Georgia and a state employee called the police to remove a veteran wrongly claiming that he was panhandling. A cop unlawfully arrested the veteran after he lawfully refused to give his ID. The veteran only held a sign saying "God bless the veterans" and did not even panhandle. Then the cop unlawfully searched him.
It's been ruled in many occasions that Panhandling is protected by the #FirstAmendment of our Constitution.
#firstamendment #policetyrants
You don't need to identify yourself unless you are in a stop and identify state. This is 100% racial profiling. Police officers cannot detain a person unless they have "reasonable suspicion" that the person has committed or is about to commit a crime.
One of the police officers kept saying that the person "looked like" someone. If it were true, they would have arrested him without asking him for any identification. The face, not an ID, is important.
A self-proclaimed cop failed to identify himself. He pushed the detainee with excessive force when he was not resisting He never told the detainee whether he was detained or arrested. The detainee was a parent who had the right to attend the school board meeting. The officer claimed that the victim was "trespassing". If that is a public school, then there is no such thing as "trespassing" because a public school is a public property.
Unlawful arrest again. The police officer even said "you are going to jail cause you are lying". Which criminal law says this? π
Police officers cannot arrest you unless they have a reason suspicion that you have committed a crime. The right not to talk to a police officer during any encounter is granted by our Fifth Amendment. This guy was arrested for "obstruction" when he had the right not to answer any questions asked by the officer.
A crazy police officer walked over to a PARKED car and opened the car door without the owner's permission. Then he falsely claimed it was a "traffic stop". Then he falsely claimed that there was "reasonable suspicion" without stating exactly what the suspicion was. Then he told the driver and passengers to step out of the car without the legal right to do so.
Another crazy police officer criminally assaulted an innocent citizen on a sidewalk filming a hospital from the outside. The police officer was pushing the victim backward using his big body. No, you are not allowed to "touch" other people without consent. Any unwanted "touching" constitutes a criminal assault. Filming on a public sidewalk is the freedom of press that is protected by our First Amendment. The police cannot tell you to stop filming.
Police tyrants and police perverts are getting crazier and crazier. A handcuffed man was tased in the groin a dozen times by the police.
Entering a house without the owner's permission is trespassing. Searching a house without a search warrant is unlawful. Arresting a person without any reasonable suspicion of the person committing a crime is unlawful. So, these poorly educated far right police tyrants have broken the law so many times in just one simple investigation.
#racialprofiling #policetyrants
Entering a house without the owner's permission is trespassing. Searching a house without a search warrant is unlawful. Arresting a person without any suspicion of the person committing a crime is unlawful. So, these poor educated far right police tyrants have broken the law so many times in just one simple investigation.
#racialprofiling #policetyrants