Delia Christina · @DeliaChristina
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The Chronicle of Philanthropy had a piece about nonprofits choosing to stay on Twitter while it turns more noxious and problematic.

Tl;dr: I call shenanigans on nonprofits staying on Twitter.

Those excuses are hollow. Unless they're getting massive engagement on there (and let's face it -- they're not), there is really no reason to *commit* to being on there.

(And yeah. I know my org is still on there. And here. I'm working on it.)

"But electeds are on Twitter!"

According to Quorum, social media engagement of electeds is starting to meh and in person engagement is rising again.

"Twitter is where our advocates are!"

Are they really? Do you have data on that? Our advocate list is rather robust and Twitter conversion is negligible -- compared to email.

And the engagement that matters to electeds (and which is measurable) isn't social media: it's calls to offices and visits. They're old school.

The old ways are back.

#nonprofits #Advocacy #policycomms #socialmedia

Last updated 2 years ago