I just submitted the last paper for my Master of Public Administration degree. I am relieved to be done, but a little sad that I won't have classes anymore. Now, the job hunt commences in earnest.
#Nerd #PolicyWonks #MPA #PublicService #HireMeBCGov
#nerd #policywonks #mpa #publicservice #hiremebcgov
Episode 773•February 2, 2023
Feb 3, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex is doing now that he's back in the studio. In this installment, Alex and his employees recruit for a Nazi-adjacent militia, Dan harmonizes with an oldie-but-a-goodie, and Jordan does a rare spit-take.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks
Infowars’ Alex Jones Says He Lives ‘in Hell,’ Texts Show
#news #AlexJones #InfoWars #SandyHook #justice #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks @knowledgefight
#policywonks #knowledgefight #justice #sandyhook #infowars #alexjones #news
Episode 772•December 18-19, 2003
Feb 1, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan stick around in the past to enjoy Alex's adventures. In this installment, Dan bids farewell to Uncle Howdy, and Alex expresses uncertainty about the moon landing, before declaring war on cats.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks
@knowledgefight #knowledgefight listeners, #technicrats & #PolicyWonks ………. I just want you all to know todays list of supporters fucking broke my brain and I fucking loved it 🤣😂😱🫣 ok…. I’m gonna finish listening! 🥰
#knowledgefight #technicrats #policywonks
Episode 771•Formulaic Objections Part 15
Jan 27, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan revisit the man who made them fall in love with depositions to begin with, Corporate Representative Extraordinaire Rob Dew. In this installment, Dew reveals his love of long pauses, not answering questions, and suggesting that he still thinks Adam Lanza did not act alone.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks #InfoWars #AlexJones
#alexjones #infowars #policywonks #knowledgefight
Episode 770•January 20, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex and discuss his thoughts about the brewing conflict between Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks
Episode 769•December 17, 2003
Jan 20, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan drop in for a little mini-ish episode from the past. In this installment, Alex does an amazing drunk impression, makes up news about Patriot Act 2 (Back In The Habit), and reports on news from yet another source run by holocaust deniers.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks
Episode 768•Formulaic Objections Part 14
Jan 18, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss an early deposition in the Texas case against Alex Jones. This installment features a complicated and confusing appearance by Rob Jacobson, the Infowars resident documentary filmmaker who was mocked for warning against covering Sandy Hook.
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks
Episode 767•January 12, 2023
Jan 16, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan check in with Alex's present day affairs, but quickly get distracted by the urgent need to cover round two of the Battle of the Century. In this installment, Alex returns to one of his greatest passions: yelling at Piers Morgan.
Episode 766•December 16, 2003
Jan 13, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan continue their viewing of Alex's coverage of Saddam Hussein's capture. In this installment, equally dumb theories begin to develop both at Infowars and at Knowledge Fight HQ.
Exclusive: Alex Jones Phone Dump Reveals Text Convos With Tucker Carlson
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks #news #AlexJones #InfoWars #TuckerCarlson
#tuckercarlson #infowars #alexjones #news #policywonks #knowledgefight
Episode 765•Formulaic Objections Part 13
Jan 9, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan still don't have Alex's 2023 predictions to discuss, so they take the opportunity to break down the deposition of Alex's head of business operations, who doesn't seem to like Alex or his show all that much.
@knowledgefight #knowledgefight #PolicyWonks forgot to add the link to the podcast (see previous post) https://open.spotify.com/show/3KNdniw6YDpgDuwrhcpSXw?si=xNYqLeQES-mzMHn3oOemtQ
Episode 764•Jordan Takes The Wheel 9
Jan 6, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan take a little Wacky Friday adventure, as Jordan explores a new space weirdo possibility. In this installment, the gents learn about funk tubas, visitations at baseball games, and a mysterious story about a trip into the "other side" in a Jeep.
Episode 763•December 15, 2003
Jan 4, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan give an update about Alex's forthcoming predictions about 2023. There aren't any, so they go back to the past to experience Alex's immediate reaction to the news that Saddam Hussein had been found in Iraq.
Episode 762: December 31, 2022
Jan 2, 2023
Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the final episode of Infowars in 2022. In this installment, Alex tries to pull in some donations, explains how to "turn the Satan dial," and possibly reveals his big predictions for 2023
@knowledgefight #KnowledgeFight #PolicyWonks #podcast
Episode 761: December 11, 2003
Dec 30, 2022
Today, Dan and Jordan decide to stick around in the past to close out the week. In this installment, Alex explains more about how high schoolers in Texas are going to be arrested if they say the word Jesus at graduation, and callers don't respond to a guest as well as Alex probably expected.
#podcast #policywonks #knowledgefight
Episode 760: December 9-10, 2003
Dec 28, 2022
Today, Dan and Jordan ease back into the groove by checking out what Alex was up to at the end of 2003. In this installment, Alex warns of drug dogs trained in Eastern Europe, discusses alleged plans to blame Cuba for a space false flag in 1962, and takes calls from antisemitic callers from multiple countries.
Episode 759•Chatting With Morgan Stringer
Dec 21, 2022
Today, while Dan recovers in his Globalist Med Bed, Jordan sits down for a chat with Ace Associate/Attorney Morgan Stringer to break down some of the recent legal matters surrounding Alex and Infowars.