Dissolving the States would allow for interesting and varied cultures to emerge; #architecture and #housing that reflect what #local residents appreciate rather than that of a State that is easily corrupted by a few #politicalDonations from the likes of the #PropertyCouncil (a highly active #SuperPac/lobby group for #realEstate moguls in Australia).
The big risk of going local is from #largeCorporations that may seek to use their wealth to overwhelm Local Governments, but…
#architecture #housing #local #politicalDonations #PropertyCouncil #superpac #realestate #largecorporations
(2/2)… we disolved State Govts entirely?
Eg. the UK don't have state govts.
Could #localCouncils manage #townPlanning as a #federation.
StateGovt functions can likely be replaced by Committees of a greater number of national MPs.
State Govt have become corrupted, engaging in #rentSeeking and known to take #politicalDonations from #realEstate and #propertyDeveloper groups through #SuperPac's like the #PropertyCouncil.
What do you think? Are State Govts replaceable?
#localCouncils #townPlanning #federation #rentSeeking #politicalDonations #realestate #propertyDeveloper #superpac #PropertyCouncil #auspol
Do not underestimate the toxic impact of #politicalDonations and #foreignMeddling.
Last we checked, #NationBuilder is #CloudFlare, so there is a great value proposition in #DDoS'ing #politicalParties, and then swooping in to save the day.
Also many parties at least in #Australia appear to be #astroTurf that don't offer anything truely different and appear to simply be trying to corner the market with a particular branding/#naming strategy.
#politicalDonations #foreignMeddling #nationbuilder #cloudflare #ddos #politicalParties #australia #astroturf
'Seems to' is the appropriate verbiage.
Australia is dominated by real estate speculators and #constructionIndustry, embedded in govt and #townPlanning via media and #politicalDonations to render our govt fascist, including #universities, which are glorified #propertyDevelopers and #humanTraffickers.
We're led by #environmental vandals seeking out rents from the extreme (6x) amount of money our #CentralBank allowed printed, oft on ill-conceived #infrastructureProjects.
#constructionIndustry #townPlanning #politicalDonations #universities #propertyDevelopers #humantraffickers #environmental #centralbank #infrastructureprojects
US Lawmaker Urges SEC to ‘Take Decisive Action’ to Regulate Crypto Industry — Plans to Examine Options for Federal Legislation
#SECcryptocurrencyregulation #BradShermancryptocurrency #cryptocurrencyexchanges #enforcementactions #politicaldonations #BradShermancrypto #SamBankman-Fried #BradSherman #Congressman #Regulation #Democrats #Congress
#SECcryptocurrencyregulation #BradShermancryptocurrency #CryptocurrencyExchanges #enforcementactions #politicalDonations #BradShermancrypto #SamBankman #BradSherman #Congressman #regulation #democrats #congress
Our definition of redpilling is likely going to be slightly different to yours.
Ie. #PeakOil and resisting #overpopulation, overdevelopment and overshoot.
- Stop producing #refugees via endless wars.
- Move away from the #legacyWeb toward internet anonymisation
- ethical, hard-money #bitcoin/monero,
- stop #politicalDonations and political mass media #advertising,
- progressive #LandTax without Income Tax (ie. #Georgism),
- Trust bust #CAGEFAM and their tyranny.
#peakoil #overpopulation #refugees #legacyWeb #bitcoin #politicalDonations #advertising #LandTax #Georgism #cageFam
This #Christmas, give a big thanks to all the people who fought against #Monsanto while being labelled #conspiracyTheorists.
They could be the reason you are not dead.
#corporations #perverseIncentives #sharePrice #revolvingDoor #politicalDonations #corporateStateTotalitarianism
#christmas #monsanto #conspiracytheorists #corporations #perverseIncentives #sharePrice #revolvingdoor #politicalDonations #corporateStateTotalitarianism
One thing we did notice about the UK which we sort of liked was there is no state govt, you have the govt and councils, this is good when it means that councils have a real meaningful impact on how places develop. In #Australia StateGovts have been absorbing this power and it has lead to a lot of corruption here by #lobbyists and #politicalDonations.
Councils occur here but do not exist as useful entities anymore.
#australia #lobbyists #politicalDonations
The reason we were talking about reducing #populationGrowth and #consumption, removing #politicalDonations, and ensuring the wealthy paid #landTax (and were getting popular on #Fakebook before they noticed/limited us), was to avoid stuff like this.
#populationGrowth #consumption #politicalDonations #LandTax #fakebook #biden #forcedNews
One verse is about wasteful flippers,
> "Oh I don't like that shade of marble".
One verse is about the #PropertyLobby asking govt to abuse more migrants.
> "Bomb in those fresh, 'hip-few-gees'. I gotta place above a #trainStaion and across from factories. Park em in my #property and I'll donate to your election, and we can have em building #bombs for who's left in their nation."
#hipFewGees #propertyDevelopers #fediLyrics #politicalDonations
#PropertyLobby #trainStaion #property #bombs #hipFewGees #propertyDevelopers #fediLyrics #politicalDonations
The fascism grows slowly over time and then accelerates.
The #vestedInterests do employ various methods like #lobbying, astroturf and #politicalDonations (read: bribes) to coopt the leaders. To some leaders they give inside #investment advice to control them (see #frontrunning, #insideTrading). These are the coercive underhanded methods.
Then there's abrupt and overt measures like banning, murdering, dissappearing, bombing.
There's a lot to back this up, now.
#vestedInterests #lobbying #politicalDonations #investment #frontrunning #insidetrading
More layers of #roads will Make #Australia Great Again, apparently.
Govt said so.
#makeWork #corporatism #MAGA #politicalDonations #300KForCronyistDevelopers #housingSpeculation #gasLedRecovery #moneyPrinterGoBrr
#roads #australia #makeWork #corporatism #maga #politicalDonations #300KForCronyistDevelopers #housingSpeculation #GasLedRecovery #moneyPrinterGoBrr
PSA: It's great to see fewer people using the term "#neoLiberal" to describe "#corporatists".
1) there is nothing 'neo' about the corporatist,
2) if they were #liberal, meaning "leave it to the market" then why do they demand certainty and consistency, why deny the #FreeMarketOfIdeas by bribing lawMakers with #politicalDonations, and why also do they demand #moneyPrinterGoBrr to boost their #stocks and #bonds?
#neoliberal #corporatists #liberal #FreeMarketOfIdeas #politicalDonations #moneyPrinterGoBrr #stocks #bonds
"Hi #Fakebook, we are an #Australian news outlet that makes over $150,000 on news, (not that that is any of your business or anything). Given that what we publish is in the #publicInterest, how about you pay us off, so the things we publish are less in the public interest."
Woops, did say that aloud?
#legalisedBribery #politicalDonations #liberalPartyOfAustralia #auspol #mediaBargainingCode #joshFrydenberg
#fakebook #australian #publicinterest #legalisedbribery #politicalDonations #liberalPartyOfAustralia #auspol #mediaBargainingCode #JoshFrydenberg
That type of random selection method for leadership is referred to as '#sortition', and from what we know the Greeks apparently came up with it.
We feel sortition for the #Senate in #Australia, would help to eliminate #politicalDonations, the third piller in #DickSmith's FairGo Measures.
#sortition #senate #australia #politicalDonations #DickSmith
Hi we are privacy-conscious progressive (#PCP) group in #Australia, who advocate that wealthy #landholders pay their share in #tax, that govt end #militarism and stop creating refugees, that particular #politicalDonations be banned, and more.
If you know #privacyConscious #progressives in Australia please boost. Though our support base is growing, we feel its important to get more #local perspectives.
An Australian server #chinwagDotOrg seems to've blocked us?
If you are… 1/2
#introductions #pcp #australia #landholders #tax #militarism #politicalDonations #privacyConscious #progressives #local #ChinwagDotOrg
Dear #Australian's that pay #rent, what do we think #landlords spend the money on?
a) improving your home (adding #fibreOptic connectivity, solarPanels)
b) building highrise towers that they call investments,
c) lavish holidays and getaways
d) parties
e) #politicalDonations, #lobbying, writing PR and press releases for the #legacyMedia about how important they are, and why they need to siphon more #freeMoney out of tenants.
f) all the above except (a)
g) other, please comment
#australian #rent #landlords #fibreOptic #politicalDonations #lobbying #legacymedia #freeMoney #homeimprovement
(2/2) They use #politicalDonations and govt connections to destroy communities and entire neighbourhoods, then have the audacity to use phrases like #BuildingCommunities, while what they are actually doing is impoverishing communities.
#overdevelopment #gentrification #highrisePrisons #prisonLiving #apartmentLiving #lendlease #harryTriguboff #debtPonzi #urbanExpansion #habitatLoss #habitatDestruction #extremeimmigration #fakeGrowth #TownPlanning #corruptPlanning #revolvingDoor #cronyism
#politicalDonations #BuildingCommunities #overdevelopment #gentrification #highrisePrisons #prisonLiving #apartmentLiving #Lendlease #harryTriguboff #debtPonzi #urbanExpansion #habitatloss #habitatDestruction #extremeImmigration #fakeGrowth #townPlanning #corruptPlanning #revolvingdoor #cronyism
@moth @realcaseyrollins @alex @sean
Oh and when it comes to the #GreenParty, last but not least:
Free from #politicalDonations from the #JeffreyEpsteinClass.
Important one, that.
#greenparty #politicalDonations #jeffreyEpsteinClass #bribery #citizensunited