So #DataAggregation has been going on since... Forever. iF you don't or even iF you DO pay for the service the data from said services are the currency globally. This is not new.
My suggestion I.S. to use services where #DataSovereignty laws are FOR the consumer of services. But be aware that #GammaGroup and #NSOGroup #target based on a number of factors to break this with their #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware ... Easily.
🔎 #Journalists, #PoliticalActivists, #Fortune1000 types are ripe targets in all industries. #WelcomeToAMER 👀👀🔍
This is a great article that talks around the manipulation web by The Usual Platforms 🙄 😒
#enshittification of #ARPANET1
#dataaggregation #datasovereignty #gammagroup #nsogroup #target #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #journalists #politicalactivists #fortune1000 #welcometoamer #enshittification #arpanet1
It's time to admit this right-wing US #SupremeCourt is a corrupt, autocratic tribune
calling a small group of #partisan #lawyers a "supreme" court doesn't make it one. There's nothing supreme about the six-pack of #farright-wing #politicalactivists who are presently soiling our people's ideals of #justice by proclaiming their own #antidemocratic biases to be the #law of the land.
#supremecourt #partisan #lawyers #farright #politicalactivists #Justice #antidemocratic #law