#AI #GenerativeAI #PoliticalAds #Elections #Google: "Alphabet Inc.’s Google will soon require that all election advertisers disclose when their messages have been altered or created by artificial intelligence tools.
The policy update, which applies starting mid-November, requires election advertisers across Google’s platforms to alert viewers when their ads contain images, video or audio from generative AI — software that can create or edit content given a simple prompt. Advertisers must include prominent language like, “This audio was computer generated,” or “This image does not depict real events” on altered election ads across Google’s platforms, the company said in a notice to advertisers. The policy does not apply to minor fixes, such as image resizing or brightening.
The update will improve Google’s transparency measures for election ads, the company said, especially given the growing prevalence of AI tools — including Google’s — that can produce synthetic content. “It'll help further support responsible political advertising and provide voters with the information they need to make informed decisions,” said Michael Aciman, a Google spokesperson."
#ai #generativeAI #politicalads #elections #google
As Brussels goes back to work, a quick refresher:
👉 How can the 🇪🇸🇪🇺 #EU2023ES make sure that #digital rules protect and benefit all Europeans?
4️⃣ concrete recommendations for the Spanish EU Presidency: https://www.project-disco.org/european-union/making-sure-digital-rules-protect-and-benefit-all-europeans/
#eu2023es #digital #DSA #csam #politicalads #EMFA #pld
#Meta Isn't Enforcing Its Own #PoliticalAds Policy, While the 2024 US #Election Looms
A nonprofit #Watchdog group has found that the right-wing group #PragerU has pushed out more than 100 political ads on #Facebook and #Instagram, flouting Meta’s policies.
#rightwing #propaganda
#propaganda #rightwing #instagram #facebook #prageru #Watchdog #election #politicalads #meta
I’m so tired of #Politics
Every two years this country turns into a shit show, while old people froth all over themselves to convince you, that they not anyone else, can do a job that no one wants or needs them to do.
The #PoliticalCommercials have already started here. So far they’re general pac commercials, but in a few months if not weeks the barrage will begin.
#politics #politicalcommercials #politicalads
I'm not surprised to see this, and unfortunately it's only going to get worse: DeSantis ad uses fake AI images of Trump hugging and kissing Fauci, experts say - https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/06/desantis-ad-uses-fake-ai-images-of-trump-hugging-and-kissing-fauci-experts-say/
#ai #Politics #politicalads #imagefakes
#EU #Politics #Propaganda #DataProtection #PoliticalAds #Elections: "On election day, we choose the political candidates who share our vision for the future. For our choice to be effective, we need to know what candidates stand for. But when politicians are able to show voters advertisements that are personalised to them and not part of an open public debate, this opens the door to manipulation.
It is unacceptable if politicians use our sensitive information, like religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or health status, to target different parts of the population with different messages. If they say different things to different voters, it allows them to spread misinformation to fire up their supporters and deter people from going to the polls.
Currently, there are no EU-wide rules governing political advertising, meaning each EU country has its own set of national laws. However, many of these laws are too outdated to keep up with the digital age, which has created a black hole in which high-level transparency requirements and limitations on targeting techniques of political advertisements are largely missing.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Digital Services Act (DSA), which regulate how our personal data can be used, are applicable to advertising. However, stronger, systemic measures and new procedures are needed."
#eu #politics #propaganda #dataprotection #politicalads #elections
RT @edri@twitter.com
2/4 People choose their political leaders, not the other way around. 🗳️
A ban on the use of sensitive data in the #PoliticalAds law will ensure your freedom to choose your future.
*cough cough* European Parliament elections 2024, hello! 🙄
RT @edri@twitter.com
3/4 The #CambridgeAnalytica scandal showed how the US elections were manipulated using targeted #PoliticalAds to spread #misinformation & deter black Americans from voting.
Abuses of sensitive data for political advertising are also happening in Europe.
#cambridgeanalytica #politicalads #misinformation
Didn't get a copy of the latest #EDRigram? Make sure to subscribe 😉 https://edri.org/take-action/stay-up-to-date-with-edris-newsletters/.
Here's the top news:
🎂 Happy #GDPR 5th bday!
👨⚖️ #Meta gets a big fine over US mass surveillance... it only took 10 years
🗳️ Ban on #PoliticalAds?
& more: https://edri.org/our-work/edri-gram-31-may-2023/
#edrigram #gdpr #meta #politicalads
3/4 The #CambridgeAnalytica scandal showed how the US elections were manipulated using targeted #PoliticalAds to spread #misinformation & deter black Americans from voting.
Abuses of sensitive data for political advertising are also happening in Europe.
#cambridgeanalytica #politicalads #misinformation
2/4 People choose their political leaders, not the other way around. 🗳️
A ban on the use of sensitive data in the #PoliticalAds law will ensure your freedom to choose your future.
*cough cough* European Parliament elections 2024, hello! 🙄
How a De-facto 🇪🇺 Ban on Targeted #PoliticalAds Could Pollute Your News Feed. 📲 "Europe should not break an #advertising model that has proven its value in promoting #political pluralism and #civic engagement."
👉 https://www.project-disco.org/european-union/a-european-ban-on-targeted-ads-could-pollute-your-news-feed/ #EP2024 #FutureOfEurope
#politicalads #advertising #political #civic #ep2024 #FutureOfEurope
#PoliticalAds: "CCIA Europe encourages 🇪🇺 lawmakers participating in the final negotiations to make sure the new rules increase 🔎 #transparency and #pluralism 🗳️ without compromising the effectiveness of #PoliticalAdvertising."
3️⃣ key recommendations ➡️
#politicalads #transparency #pluralism #politicaladvertising
RT @IndexCensorship
Egyptian pro-democracy activist Abdelrahman "Moka" Tarek & 2021 of Index's #FreedomOfExpression Award for Campaigning writes for us on the clampdown on #PoliticalAds being used by the Egyptian regime in order to target its opponents.
#freedomofexpression #politicalads
#SocialMedia #Facebook #Meta #PoliticalAds #OpenSource #APIs: "We are excited to announce that PoliDashboard is now available as an open-source piece of software on Github. Anyone can now review and modify the code to make improvements and add new features as they see fit.
PoliDashboard is a data visualization dashboard that is accessible to the public and is designed to help voters, journalists, researchers and others keep track of political spending on Meta’s products. It provides visual representations of trends related to political and social issue ads on Facebook, Instagram, and other products from Meta. Currently, PoliDashboard tracks and analyses ads from seven different countries, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Germany, and Denmark. The data is automatically updated every eight hours through Meta’s Ads API."
#socialmedia #facebook #meta #politicalads #opensource #apis
Das Europäische Parlament hat Rechtsvorschriften zu politischer #Werbung verabschiedet!
Jetzt sind wir einem faireren politischen Wettbewerb einen Schritt näher gekommen!
#PIRATEN #VotePirate #PoliticalAds @EuropeanPirates
#werbung #piraten #votepirate #politicalads
🇬🇧 In February, EU pirates were able to achieve important data protection successes, for example on #PoliticalAds and the European digital identity (#eID).
Find out more about this, and my take on topics like #dataretention, in our latest newsletter: http://urlpir.at/Newsletter032023
#dataretention #eid #politicalads
One side of the argument but it goes to show just how difficult and complex the issue of #PoliticalAds and #ContentModeration is (and how seldom those complexities are adequately reflected in the debates)
#politicalads #contentmoderation
The One Thing That Would Make #Elections Better For Everyone
Are you sick of the onslaught of negative #politicalAds that air on your TV every election season? The #fearmongering. The #halftruths.
#elections #politicalads #fearmongering #halftruths
Montag Abstimmung zu neuen Regeln für politische Werbung: Kann die EU ein zweites Cambridge Analytica verhindern? Netzpolitik.org fasst zusammen, worum es geht: https://netzpolitik.org/2023/microtargeting-neue-regeln-fuer-politische-werbung-kann-die-eu-ein-zweites-cambridge-analytica-verhindern/ #PoliticalAds