TheOnion: Americans Reveal What It’s Like Living With The Woke Mind Virus #politicalcontroversies #africanamericanenglish #politicalcorrectness #ruthbaderginsburg #blacklivesmatter #vincentrodriguez #coreywainwright #marissaschlagel #howardcampbell #travispendant #marciehawkins #kelseyjamison #islamenendez #janeginsburg #grantwheelan #sarahcollins #kamalaharris #dylanholland #theresalamb #armiehammer
#politicalcontroversies #africanamericanenglish #politicalcorrectness #ruthbaderginsburg #blacklivesmatter #vincentrodriguez #coreywainwright #marissaschlagel #howardcampbell #travispendant #marciehawkins #kelseyjamison #islamenendez #janeginsburg #grantwheelan #sarahcollins #kamalaharris #dylanholland #theresalamb #armiehammer
Ist #Improtheater noch haltbar? Ist es politisch korrekt? Schließlich
bedient es - wie viele andere Formen von #Humor auch - oft #Stereotype
Ein Gespräch zu den verschiedenen schillernden Seiten dieser Form. Auch
dazu, wie Impro in Beruf und Alltag hilft
Denn eins ist klar: Seit ich Impro mache, bin ich viel lockerer geworden
#politischkorrekt #politicalcorrectness #alltag #berufsleben
#improvisationstheater #humor
#Improtheater #humor #stereotype #politischkorrekt #politicalcorrectness #alltag #Berufsleben #improvisationstheater
‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ dropped from Queen’s Greatest Hits collection over #wokeness - | 🙄🙄🙄| #Queen #FatBottomedGirls #music #woke #politicalcorrectness
#wokeness #queen #fatbottomedgirls #music #woke #politicalcorrectness
Which word do you like the most to qualify someone who is easily offended or shocked, especially by sexual matters?
#words #poll #politicalcorrectness
TheOnion: ‘Woke’ Brands True Patriots Should Never Purchase #africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #politicalcorrectness #transnationalbank #blacklivesmatter #johnwashington #jaredfogle #chickfila #thedress #marykay #thenfl #shipt #woke #ar15 #nfl
#africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #politicalcorrectness #transnationalbank #blacklivesmatter #johnwashington #jaredfogle #chickfila #thedress #marykay #thenfl #shipt #woke #ar15 #nfl
TheOnion: ‘Woke’ Brands True Patriots Should Never Purchase #africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #politicalcorrectness #transnationalbank #blacklivesmatter #johnwashington #jaredfogle #chickfila #thedress #marykay #thenfl #shipt #woke #ar15 #nfl
#africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #politicalcorrectness #transnationalbank #blacklivesmatter #johnwashington #jaredfogle #chickfila #thedress #marykay #thenfl #shipt #woke #ar15 #nfl
In Norway, it is allowed to burn a Norwegian flag, other national flags, burn bibles and the Quran. One can talk bad about Norwegians, Christians and Muslims in public.
But..... if you burn a rainbow flag, you are committing a hate crime!
#norway #hatecrime #politicalcorrectness #woke
The Onion: Conservatives React To The ‘Woke’ Barbie Movie #africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #entertainmentculture #politicalcorrectness #augustuswainwright #tatianawilliamson #blacklivesmatter #kentvvaltierra #kylestruthers #melanietaylor #gregorystills #lancefreidman #clivestephens #michaelsnyder #tonybalducci #peachykeenan #vanessabrown #noahbaumbach #margotrobbie #garrettyates #walterjones #mikeburn
#africanamericanenglish #politicalcontroversies #entertainmentculture #politicalcorrectness #augustuswainwright #tatianawilliamson #blacklivesmatter #kentvvaltierra #kylestruthers #melanietaylor #gregorystills #lancefreidman #clivestephens #michaelsnyder #tonybalducci #peachykeenan #vanessabrown #noahbaumbach #margotrobbie #garrettyates #walterjones #mikeburn
New term for #PoliticalCorrectness just dropped.
#ethicalhygiene #politicalcorrectness
Ex-BVerfG-Vize #Kirchhof schreibt in der neuen #NJW über #Meinungsfreiheit und lässt nichts aus. #PoliticalCorrectness, #CancelCulture, #Woke: GEFÄHRLICH.
Very wow.
"Der Wille zur „political correctness“ stand ursprünglich für die aufrechte Haltung, von vorneherein zu unterbinden und so Gesprächstabus zu errichten."
"Mit der moralisierenden Haltung des „cancel culture“ beanspruchen interessierte Kreise eine gesellschaftliche, objektive Vorzensur: ..
#kirchhof #njw #Meinungsfreiheit #politicalcorrectness #cancelculture #woke
Mein Kampf, The Musical
Thanks to the wokes, we shall never get to enjoy this.
#AndrewLloydWebber #PoliticalCorrectness #Wokeness #MeinKampf
#andrewlloydwebber #politicalcorrectness #wokeness #meinkampf
When Did the ‘F*ck Your Feelings’ Crowd Get So Triggered?
#DailyBeast #MAGAtriggered #FeelingsCrowd #PoliticalCorrectness #FreeSpeechDebate #EmotionalPolitics #Politics #News
#dailybeast #magatriggered #feelingscrowd #politicalcorrectness #freespeechdebate #emotionalpolitics #politics #news
The Republican Party has become the very cancel culture it pretends to rail against
#USAToday #RepublicanHypocrisy #CancelCulture #GOP #PoliticalCorrectness #FreedomOfSpeech #Politics #News
#usatoday #republicanhypocrisy #cancelculture #gop #politicalcorrectness #freedomofspeech #politics #news
Again (not) surprised to see that my students have never heard of Groucho Marx. #ISE2023 lecture 03, basic #NLP, on the question "Why is natural language so difficult?". Of course, political correctness wasn't a big issue in 1930. So, what do you think. Should I continue to "torture" my students with historical (pop) cultural references?
@fizise @KIT_Karlsruhe #teaching #culture #popculture #groucho #politicalcorrectness
#ise2023 #nlp #teaching #culture #popculture #groucho #politicalcorrectness
“Political correctness” and “wokeism” are simply other terms for respect and compassion, things Republicans mock because they’re sociopaths. Though they don’t show anyone respect or compassion, they expect both — while deserving neither.
#Republicans #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #Deplorables #racism #bigotry #misogyny #LGBTQIAphobia #PoliticalCorrectness #wokeism #respect #compassion
#compassion #Respect #wokeism #politicalcorrectness #lgbtqiaphobia #misogyny #bigotry #Racism #deplorables #trumpism #MAGA #gop #republicans
Aus dem Buch 'Das kleine Gespenst' von Otfried Preussler.
Das ist eigentlich die schönste Szene im Buch. Wenn man den Text allerdings aus dem Kontext reißt, dann bekommt das einen ganz merkwürdigen Unterton.
Diese Textstelle könnte dann leicht der 'Political correctness' zum Opfer fallen.
#Kinderbuch ##illustration #art #mastoart #artofmastodon #Politicalcorrectness
#rassismus #racism
#racism #rassismus #politicalcorrectness #artofmastodon #mastoart #art #illustration #kinderbuch
#politicalcorrectness #政治的正しさ #障がい
#Politicalcorrectness has hindered efforts to tackle Asian grooming gangs, claims British PM