Boris Johnson's Rise and Fall Has Perfectly Exposed Britain's Broken Political Culture – Byline Times
#johnson #ukpolitics #politicalculture #brexit #BritishPoliticalSystem #britishpolitics #classism #ClassDeference #PublicSchools #privateschools #privateschool #press #access #patronage #media #ReesMogg #dorries #downingstreet #HonoursList #privilegescommittee #bbc #dailymail
This video is a bit of fun, messing around with new tools I’ve made. But there is, embedded within, a deeper message – which you can read by turning on the subtitles for the video:
To read the text of the subtitles, or to download the music track as an MP3, goto:
#luddite #technology #musicvideo #deepgreen #politicalculture #ideology
#luddite #technology #musicvideo #deepgreen #politicalculture #ideology
CULTURE + VISUALS. I'm launching the Visual Vocabulary of Culture (v 2.0), a codex listing the various elements of culture (each illustrated with its own icon). The codex comes with The Mangrove Model, a way of thinking about cultural dynamics that revisits the original metaphor underpinning the concept of culture. Both are open source. Download the poster at .
#culture #CultureStudies #ethnography #sociology #anthropology #PoliticalCulture #SocialScience
#culture #culturestudies #ethnography #sociology #anthropology #politicalculture #socialscience