The New Censorship
As much as we might think that the Internet has increased information freedom, so called cancel culture has ushered in a new era of self-entitled censorship. Censorship applied to ideas that are important to be discussed, regardless of your particular opinion.
#censorship #cancelCulture #intolerance #fascism #politicallyIncorrect #freeSpeech #freeExpression #ignoranceisstrength #orwellian #thoughtpolice
#censorship #cancelculture #intolerance #fascism #politicallyincorrect #freespeech #freeexpression #ignoranceisstrength #orwellian #thoughtpolice
@fonecokid The evidence is piling up on our #Bill. I'm old enough to remember when #Maher gave #KellyAnneConway a free pass--five minutes to pitch #TFG to the #PoliticallyIncorrect audience -- with no pushback, days before the 2016 election. That was before the planet knew her as #CruellaDeVille. I mean, WTF #BillMaher?
#bill #maher #kellyanneconway #TFG #politicallyincorrect #cruelladeville #billmaher
#Reactionary #ideologies are probably among the most direct rabbit whole into #conspirationism, which is why it is not surprising to see people like Sam Harris or Eric Weinstein tumbling down through it. All despite their claims to be #PoliticallyIncorrect non-#woke #objective #rationalists!
>SUPPORT more videos like this at at + transcript ava...
#rationalists #objective #woke #politicallyincorrect #conspirationism #ideologies #reactionary
I miss the #politicallyincorrect days when straight #conservatives weren't #triggered by #drag shows, considering they used to be so popular among straight manly men, the military during WWII had official guides on how to put on a drag show. Older Guys on my ship in the navy told me it used to just be a normal part of shellback initiation (crossing the equator), and a huge part of fraternities. Are you saying that the military and frats are also "grooming" naive young men for sexual exploitation? Um.... Ok bad examples as that happens waaay to often with zero repercussions. But then again the same people are the least likely to care about that or do anything to protect them. Also not the people who dared challenge the church to stop covering up for molesting clergy.
#politicallyincorrect #conservatives #triggered #drag
"Here my heart and blood freeze,
Here my soul and senses are amazed!
Heaven, what do you want to set about?
Do you murderers realise what you are doing?
Do you dogs, you devils, dare to strike the son of
God onto the cross?"
Political Correctness: Why You Should be PC
What is political correctness really about? When should we cancel someone? I've talked to people about this perspective and have often heard they've never thought of it this way. PC isn't bad or censorship. It's actually about ensuring freedoms.
#PC #politicalCorrectness #personFirstLanguage #personFirst #PCbro #censorship #cancelled #canceled #cancellation #PCculture #cancelCulture #politicallyCorrect #politicallyIncorrect
#pc #politicalcorrectness #personFirstLanguage #personFirst #PCbro #censorship #cancelled #canceled #cancellation #pcculture #cancelculture #politicallycorrect #politicallyincorrect
Political Correctness: Why You Should be PC
What is political correctness really about? When should we cancel someone? I've talked to people about this perspective and have often heard they've never thought of it this way. PC isn't bad or censorship. It's actually about ensuring freedoms.
#PC #politicalCorrectness #personFirstLanguage #personFirst #PCbro #censorship #cancelled #canceled #cancellation #PCculture #cancelCulture #politicallyCorrect #politicallyIncorrect
#pc #politicalcorrectness #personFirstLanguage #personFirst #PCbro #censorship #cancelled #canceled #cancellation #pcculture #cancelculture #politicallycorrect #politicallyincorrect
#Christmas #Canceled? #MarkDiceDailyfix #MarkDiceNews #CancelCulture #DrFauci #PoliticallyIncorrect #PoliticallyCorrect #MerryChristmas
#christmas #canceled #MarkDiceDailyFix #MarkDiceNews #cancelculture #DrFauci #politicallyincorrect #politicallycorrect #MerryChristmas
“#Wokeness ” is Coming for Your Food 🌮 #MarkDiceDailyFix #MarkDiceNews #CancelCulture #PoliticallyCorrect #PoliticallyIncorrect
#wokeness #MarkDiceDailyFix #MarkDiceNews #cancelculture #politicallycorrect #politicallyincorrect
They're Coming for Christmas! #MarkDiceDailyFix #MarkDiceNews #PoliticallyIncorrect #GetWokeGoBroke
#MarkDiceDailyFix #MarkDiceNews #politicallyincorrect #getwokegobroke
abolish all thoughtpolice #coc #codeofconduct #thoughtcrime #politicallyincorrect
#coc #codeofconduct #thoughtcrime #politicallyincorrect