The closure of the road to the plain interrupted the flow of goods and services, generating a major impact on the cargo union and the distribution of supplies. If there's no long-term improvement to the infrastructure, financial losses will continue
#analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
El cierre de la vía al llano irrumpió el flujo de bienes y servicios, generando un mayo impacto al gremio de carga y la distribución de suministros. El impacto dejará pérdidas financieras que continuarán sin una mejora a largo plazo de la infraestructura
#analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
The 32.2% growth of the manufacturing sector suggests a rise in investment in technology, employment and demand for associated products. But it poses a challenge in the supply chain as transport and refrigeration capacity must increase.
#econony #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
Las IA en la industria farmacéutica son una ventaja para el desarrollo y funcionamiento de la misma. Aumentar su uso implica que varias funciones realizadas por personas sean automatizadas, disminuyendo oportunidad empleo en el sector salud.
#vigiflow #salud #ia #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
A major advantage of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry is the development and operation of the industry. Increasing its use implies that several functions performed by people will be automated, decreasing employment opportunities in the health sector.
#vigiflow #salud #ia #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
Unitas LXIV begins today. As the most complex exercise to date, it is likely to present opportunities towards hybrid fleet integration. It is important for the U.S. and the Colombian Navy, as the latter is modernizing.
#armadacolombiana #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
La comunidad internacional empieza a notar las falencias de la Paz Total. Ante una ausencia de resultados, es probable que esta sea más reacia a participar y aportar económicamente. Sin su apoyo disminuyen las posibilidades de que la Paz Total tenga éxito.
#PoliticalRisk #Colombia #Analysis #ProcesoDePaz #PazTotal #CeseAlFuego #ONU
#onu #cesealfuego #PazTotal #procesodepaz #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
The shortcomings of the Total Peace policy are becoming apparent. In the absence of results, the international community is likely to be more reluctant to participate and contribute financially. Without their support, its chances of success diminish.
#Ceasefire #unitednations #totalpeace #peace #politicalrisk
Colombia's drop in the energy transition index suggests a contrast to the government's narrative. To improve the sector’s position and attract investment, the government will likely commit to accelerating technology adoption and sustainable practices.
#PoliticalRisk #Colombia #Analysis #Economy #Energy #CleanEnergy
#cleanenergy #energy #economy #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
The Jepirachi wind farm is likely to promote Wayúu participation and develop energy communities. It's likely to foster cooperation between the companies and the Wayúu population and help reconcile disagreements between the two groups.
#PoliticalRisk #Colombia #Analysis #Politics #Guajira #EnergeticTransition
#energetictransition #Guajira #politics #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk
Sanctions on the Russian economy are likely to continue and keep oil and gas prices high. This benefits the extractive sector and allows for greater social investment due to higher royalties for the departments.
#economy #russia #analysis #colombia #politicalrisk