Such great news! Claudine Gay named 30th president of Harvard University, and will be #first #Black #leader- The Boston Globe @politicalscience #PoliticalScientists
#first #black #leader #politicalscientists
My friend #died this weekend. She was giving birth and didn’t make it. As someone who researches #MaternalMortality I’m not surprised, but I am gutted.
At least three of my other friends came close to death during labor and delivery. This is not comparable to other industrialized democracies, yet I still have other #PoliticalScientists ask me why I bother studying #birth and #BirthNarratives.
#RIP my friend, and my all who #grieve find comfort
#died #maternalmortality #politicalscientists #birth #birthnarratives #rip #grieve
Lists #Update 2:
#update #archaeology #politicalscientists #sociologists #research #sciencemastodon #scicomm #Fediscience #geographers
I'd love to connect with all my #academic #PoliticalScientists and #RStatistics folks that are also part of the #Twittermirgration. Please don't be a stranger!
#academic #politicalscientists #RStatistics #twittermirgration