Ron DeSantis has no respect for the rule of law — Now the Florida governor is facing real problems — and potential legal jeopardy — over his reckless political stunt
#Salon #RonDesantis #RuleOfLaw #FloridaGovernor #PoliticalStunt #LegalJeopardy #Politics #News
#salon #rondesantis #ruleoflaw #floridagovernor #politicalstunt #legaljeopardy #politics #news
Republican grandstanding in a hearing on crime in NYC. #PoliticalStunt #Politics
An actual decent article from @Foxnews
Except where they fail to explain why “the agency ‘continues to tell’ the governor that Ohio isn't eligible for disaster assistance.”
The governor is pulling a #politicalstunt
But credit where credit is due. Having the actual facts laid out that doesn’t cast Biden in the worst possible light is so new to Fox News - a first, I believe - I had to share it.
@Lenoc @GOP it's the GOP's job to make Biden look bad. It's mean because the DNC never #resist ed anything Trump did and never partook in #politicalstunt S so I am sorry that the Right is being so mean to Biden. It's just not fair! People really should respect the office no matter who's in that seat. Right? Trump, too?
I’m talking to anyone and anything who blames Biden for not providing support when that would be illegal.
“Yikes” and all.
It’s another #politicalstunt by the @GOP that hurts people for political points.
There is no good reason DeWine hasn’t declared an emergency. It’s just to make Biden look bad.
Another example of a #politicalstunt
Biden CANNOT provide assistance until the governor declares a state of emergency. Which he has NOT DONE… effectively legally cutting off ALL federal assistance.
To blame Biden and Buttigieg is complete bullshit and exactly what the GOP is hoping you will do. Even if it hurts people.
In a party-line vote, #Florida GOP lawmakers passed a $10 million bill that gives the state broad authority to find and move migrants IN OTHER STATES to so-called immigrant "sanctuary cities" outside Florida.
#florida #gop #desantis #politicalstunt #floriduh
What really riles me up are the @GOP that SKIPPED the intel brief so they could say whatever they want on @Foxnews without being hindered by facts or reality.
The GOP have zero substance and are 100% #politicalstunt Not good for governing and that is decidedly anti-national security in lieu of cheap political points.
“Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) revealed that he skipped a classified briefing on a suspected spy balloon from China because he did not want to jeopardize his chance to talk about it on Fox News.”
Skipping a classified meeting - which is his JOB - to go on @FoxNews is a #politicalstunt and endangers #nationalsecurity
#politicalstunt #nationalsecurity
“Just be on standby if there’s any stunts we need to pull."
Every GOP effort to force authoritarianism on the American people needs to be labeled with a #politicalstunt tag.
#politicalStunt #shutTheDoor
Cool story bro, bring a gun to work and use it to stir some debates while you’re at it.
Ex-Arizona governor’s illegal makeshift border wall is torn down — but at what cost? - The Guardian #environment #wildlife #forests #ForestService #TaxDollars #PoliticalStunt #GOP #USpol #arizona
#environment #wildlife #forests #forestservice #Taxdollars #politicalstunt #gop #uspol #arizona
#DonaldTrump #subpoena was purely a #politicalstunt, says legal analyst #AmeerBenno
#AmeerBenno #politicalstunt #subpoena #donaldtrump
#DonaldTrump #subpoena was purely a #politicalstunt, says legal analyst #AmeerBenno
#AmeerBenno #politicalstunt #subpoena #donaldtrump
🤡 How: like a carefully orchestrated media circus.
💰 Why: $2.4 million in “free earned media coverage.”
#PoliticalStunt #AbuseOfPower
Internal records and sworn testimony reveal how — and why — #Florida Gov. Ron #DeSantis removed an independently elected prosecutor in Tampa who had pledged not to prosecute women seeking abortions.
#politicalstunt #abuseofpower #desantis #florida