> #MartinBaró.. [and] the "massive campaign of #PoliticalTerrorism" in #ElSalvador.. with U.S. backing and initiative.. "since 1984, with the coming of.. democratic government in.. under #Duarte.. things did not change.. the terrorized population..[had] two options.. go to the mountains and join.. the rebels, or to comply.." The killings then reduced in scale.. "there was less need.. people were so terrorized, so paralyzed."
- https://znetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/zbooks/htdocs/chomsky/dd/dd-c12-s14.html
#NoamChomsky #DeterringDemocracy
#DeterringDemocracy #noamchomsky #duarte #elsalvador #politicalterrorism #MartinBaro