RT @DrSyedMustafaA1@twitter.com
Looking forward to delivering my presentation exploring entanglements of #PoliticalEconomy, #PoliticalEcology, and #PoliticalTheology at the Critical Ecology of #AI workshop in this conference. https://twitter.com/retnolaras/status/1648705561054306306
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrSyedMustafaA1/status/1671460399219179524
#politicaleconomy #PoliticalEcology #politicaltheology #ai
Doing my #politicaltheology #leftwingpolitics #leftwingcommies thing, trying to get this rotten bikeway fixed. https://youtu.be/DZbuZ68Mitg
No old ladies were harmed in the making of this video. There were some very beefy #cyclists with big thighs and #hairylegs. The #dog #poodle is called Delilah, and she is spoilt rotten.
#politicaltheology #leftwingpolitics #leftwingcommies #cyclists #hairylegs #dog #poodle
The open-access journal Open Theology has a call for papers for critical readings of Carl Schmitt, entitled "The Political Theology and the State of Exception." It's a tight deadline, though: January 31, 2023. https://buff.ly/3IUYOLm #politicaltheology #openaccess @religion #religidons
#politicaltheology #openaccess #Religidons
If you're Habermas and would like everyone to be friends, your problem is Schmitt has already declared himself your enemy.
I have to read that stuff about the influence of Schmitt and Strauss on CCP intellectuals! It's a structural truism though.
#politicaltheory #politicaltheology #philosophy
Finalmente para aquelus instalades no último escalão do imperalismo linguístico (esta reverência, suponho):
#metaphysics, #literature, #materialism, #ModernEpistemology, #PhilosophyOfReligion, #identity, #PoliticalTheology, #Capital, #desire, #eroticism, #language, #communication, #aesthetics, #religion, #Marxism, #MoralNihilism, #excess, #violence, #paradoxes, #mysticism, #ineffability, #NegativeTheology, #SymbolicAnthropology, #esotericism, #psychoanalysis, #poststructuralism, #QueerStudies
#metaphysics #Literature #materialism #modernepistemology #philosophyofreligion #identity #politicaltheology #capital #desire #eroticism #language #communication #aesthetics #religion #marxism #moralnihilism #excess #violence #paradoxes #mysticism #ineffability #negativetheology #symbolicanthropology #esotericism #psychoanalysis #poststructuralism #queerstudies
The Future of Political Theology - IV. Feminism and Inter-religious Dialogue in the New Political
Johann M. Vento
Horizons, Vol 34 (02), 2007, pp 321 - 328
#religion #feminism #gender #politicaltheology #theology #dialogue
#religion #Feminism #gender #politicaltheology #theology #dialogue
Hello world, I teach theology at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary with strpng intersectional&interdisciplinary commitments, love mentoring, thinking-together and collaborating, am a theory/method nerd who's always up for meta discussions, avid runner, #genderqueer, and not-quite-at-home in other ways. Look forward to connecting over #PoliticalTheology #SystematicTheology #ConstructiveTheology #Citizentheology #QueerTheology #Surveillance #AI #DigitalTheology #KarlBarth & so much more
#introduction #princetontheologicalseminary #genderqueer #politicaltheology #systematictheology #constructivetheology #citizentheology #queertheology #surveillance #ai #digitaltheology #karlbarth
Beyond Revolution, Beyond the Law: Christian Anarchism in Conversation with Giorgio Agamben
Katrina Kniss
Political Theology, Vol 20, 2019 - Issue 3
#anarchism #religion #socialism #theology #politicaltheology #christianity #christiananarchism
#anarchism #religion #socialism #theology #politicaltheology #christianity #christiananarchism
Oh yes, it's the hashtag post: #writing #theology #poetry #GreenMovement #Anabaptism #ecosocialism #pacifism #history #genealogy #sci-fi #Mennonites #politicaltheology #peacemaking #huguenots #ecology #birding #greenparty #marxism #gwynedd #intentionalcommunity #anarchism #revolution
#writing #theology #poetry #GreenMovement #Anabaptism #ecosocialism #pacifism #history #genealogy #sci #Mennonites #politicaltheology #peacemaking #huguenots #ecology #birding #greenparty #marxism #gwynedd #intentionalcommunity #anarchism #revolution
Alright, here's my #FollowBackFriday pitch. I'm a writer. I've covered governing and education as well as done comms work around #txlege / #txpolitics
Now I've sold out and just do comms to pay the bills. I still follow #politics #politicaltheology #theology #criticaltheory and write about it. My spicy stuff is here: https://joelnihlean.medium.com
Let's meet, you new and interesting internet people.
Here's a pic of my dog in The Cone of Shame. #ff #followfriday #dogsofmastodon
#FollowBackFriday #txlege #txpolitics #politics #politicaltheology #theology #criticaltheory #ff #followfriday #dogsofmastodon
Ok, consider this my #twittermigration post.
I'm a writer. I've written for magazines on governing as well as done comms work around #txlege / #txpolitics
I follow #politics and occasionally still write about it. My spicy stuff is here: https://joelnihlean.medium.com
I also think a lot about #politicaltheology #theology #criticaltheory and related stuff.
Anyway, say 'hi' and follow. I'll follow you back. Looking forward to meeting new and interesting internet people.
Here's a pic of my dog.
#twittermigration #txlege #txpolitics #politics #politicaltheology #theology #criticaltheory
#Introduction Luke Collison, studied #philosophy at #CRMEP Current teaching a little #PoliticalPhilosophy at University of Cologne. Research interests:
#ThePolitical in the post-#CarlSchmitt sense,
#introduction #philosophy #CRMEP #politicalphilosophy #ThePolitical #CarlSchmitt #politicaltheology #Katechon #GeorgesSorel #MichelFoucault #infrastructure #Counter #CriticalInfrastructureStudies #energyhumanities #InstitutionTheory #JoachimRitter #PhilosophicalAnthropology #ErnstWolfgangBöckenförde
Let's call this my #hashtag interests intro, in no particular order:
#hashtag #writing #writingcommunity #specfic #sff #fantasy #amreading #audiobooks #oregon #arthurian #holygrail #andor #starwars #RingsOfPower #severance #lost #twinpeaks #kdrama #tolkien #CormacMcCarthy #SusannaClarke #inklings #twittermigration #ValentinTomberg #dickens #shakespeare #antifascist #democracy #umbertoeco #esoterica #catholic #politicaltheology #politicaltheory
#Introduction I am William and came over here from the bird site to try it out. I am a third year student at the University of Glasgow studying #theology and religious studies. I am interested in the intersection of #environmentaltheology , #politicaltheology and #processtheology.
I am a #tradeunion representative with the GMB union in the first unionised Apple Store in the UK. I am also a @ScottishGreens member and supporter of Scottish independence.
#tradeunion #processtheology #politicaltheology #environmentaltheology #theology #introduction