Health workers are so valuable, herculean and burnt out, that suggesting they work harder or more efficiently is ridiculous. Give them great pay, and medals! #nurses #nursespayrisenow #heroes #politiciansarerarelysmart
#nurses #nursespayrisenow #Heroes #politiciansarerarelysmart
I'm just hoping things don't get worse than #ProfoundlySad. Nothing would say "really ruined the 21st century for everyone" like a POTUS causing a civil war so he can feel worshipped. So if we can keep this at just profoundly sad then #AlFranken gets my vote! 😢🤣
#ReallyRuinedThe21stCentury #politiciansarerarelysmart
#profoundlysad #alfranken #reallyruinedthe21stcentury #politiciansarerarelysmart
All manner of poor decision-making by governments can be attributed to this: Politicans are rarely the smart ones in the room, and they usually care more about getting re-elected than the truth. #politiciansarerarelysmart #decisionmaking #maskup
#politiciansarerarelysmart #decisionmaking #MaskUp
As the African wisdom says: "If you want to go quickly go alone. If you want to go far go together". Nothing about that wisdom suggests that going on your own will be good. #brexit #politiciansarerarelysmart
#brexit #politiciansarerarelysmart